- Data Challenge & Tape Challenge
- Rucio worked well, things worked smoothly
- Single-file finishing of conveyor
- Rucio waiting for transfer task to finish in cases of multiple transfers in one job
- Fix part of 1.26.5
- Reaper sometimes stops deletion
- Under investigation, possibly different issues
- 8000s timeout issue (Some unlink requests just hang forever)
- Needs to be set to a reasonable value
- Upgrade to 1.26.5
- FTS jobs not being cancelled when deleting rule
- WebUI
- Login issue where you have to force the account, otherwise it tries to authenticated random account
- Fermilab
- DUNE running 1.26.2 as well
- Belle II
- DUNE/Edinburgh
- Alternate Scope extraction algorithm -> Should eliminate need for rucio.cfg on the client (Just by parameters via constructor)
- PR Ready; Needs review
- MultiVO
- Running 1.26.2 in containers
- Server to 1.26 VM has issues
- Follow up in #support
- Move to 1.26.5/6 next week
- Experiments preparing DAC21
- Infrastructure + Data lake as a service
- Token flow finished
- Starts Nov22
- Mock runs the month before
- Issue with RSEs in IN2P3
- Mismatch between Rucio occupancy and storage counting