GridPP Technical Meeting - Rucio / DIRAC integration

Virtual Only

Virtual Only

Alastair Dewhurst (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)), Andrew McNab (University of Manchester), David Colling (Imperial College (GB))

Weekly meeting slot for technical topics. We will try and focus on one topic per meeting.  We will announce at the Tuesday Ops meeting if this meeting is going ahead and if so the topic to be discussed.

GridPP Technical Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Alastair Dewhurst
Alternative hosts
Samuel Cadellin Skipsey, Matthew Steven Doidge
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
ECDF update
James has done a second pass at the policy package as there were some things that needed fixing to support more advanced Dune features.
Currently working on light weight client integration.  
One issues when looking at the Belle integration for multi-VO was to allow customised Rucio scope extraction algorithm.  
- This is set in the config file, which the DIRAC client isn’t going to use.  
- We also need the Rucio extraction algorithm to be part of the policy package.
RAL Update
Tim provided some slides.
Imperial update
Janusz development DIRAC instance has been upgraded to 7.2 which is the last Python 2 version.
A few problems currently being debugged:
- Containers have a leading / that gets removed by the Rucio client.
- Janusz needs a schema change to allow users with “.” in their names.
Next meeting in Second half of January, discuss longer term goals.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.