Aug 8 – 12, 2022
America/Toronto timezone

Where are hadronic PeVatrons? – Constraints and Prospects

Aug 11, 2022, 3:50 PM
Parallel Talk Cosmic Rays Galactic Sources


Takahiro Sudoh (Ohio State University)


The high flux of hadronic cosmic rays and the detection of bright gamma-ray sources suggest a tight connection between them, which implies that Galactic neutrino sources must exist. However, none have been detected. Where are they? We outline constraints on the properties of hadronic PeVatrons based on the existing data. We introduce a new population-based approach, calibrated to the observed cosmic-ray flux and demanding consistency with measurements of gamma-ray sources, diffuse flux, and neutrino non-detection. We make new predictions and discuss the implications of detections or non-detections. We also define the detector requirements to definitively test the origins of the Milky Way’s hadronic cosmic-ray sources.

Primary authors

John Beacom Takahiro Sudoh (Ohio State University)

Presentation materials