Aug 8 – 12, 2022
America/Toronto timezone

MAGIC observations of the putative PeVatron SNR G106.3+2.7 in the proximity of the Boomerang PWN

Aug 10, 2022, 4:30 PM
Parallel Talk Galactic Sources Galactic Sources


Dr Marcel Strzys (ICRR, The University of Tokyo) Marcel Strzys (ICRR, The University of Tokyo)


The supernova remnant SNR G106.3+2.7 in the proximity of the Boomerang PWN has recently gained a lot of attention due to the emission above 100 TeV detected by HAWC, Tibet ASγ, and LHAASO. This SNR shows a characteristic comet-like morphology in radio observations, with a head and a tail. Due to the limited angular resolution of air shower experiments, it is not clear if the emission comes from the head, where an energetic pulsar wind nebula is located, or from the tail, where a clump of molecular cloud is present. The MAGIC telescopes, with an angular resolution better than 0.1 degrees, observed G106.3+2.7 for 122 hours and found a significant gamma-ray excess elongated along the axis of the comet shape. We performed a spectro-morphological analysis, and found the spectrum of the tail to be harder than the one in the head. This suggests that the 100 TeV emission detected by air shower experiments is from the tail. The multi-wavelength spectrum of the tail emission favors proton acceleration up to energies of ~1 PeV, while the emission mechanism of the head could be both hadronic or leptonic.

Collaboration name MAGIC Collaboration

Primary authors

Dr Marcel Strzys (ICRR, The University of Tokyo) Mr Tomohiko Oka (Kyoto University) Dr Takayuki Saito (ICRR, The University of Tokyo) Prof. Hidetoshi Kubo (ICRR, The University of Tokyo)

Presentation materials