29 August 2022 to 2 September 2022
Europe/Vienna timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

To submit an abstract to SSP2022 you will need a CERN account. In case you don't have a CERN account, you can open a Lightweight account here:


You will receive an email with further instructions. Please note that you also need to log in into indico with those credentials to associate your account with indico. Similarly the registration is only possible, when logged in.

The entire abstract, including references should not exceed one A4 page (~300 words). Abstracts excessively long will be returned to the submitter. Please attach your abstract during the submission process as a single-page pdf.

Please write "abstract provided as attached pdf-file" (or similar) into the field, where the abstract text usually is required (content field); or feel free to provide the text part of your abstract here in addition. Please don't forget to upload your abstract (single-page pdf) as attachment.

The full author list or a collaboration-statement can be included in the single page pdf. Therefore it is sufficient to provide only the first author (or if different, the presenting and submitting author) in the corresponding fields of the indico submission form.

Please choose one topic which is most suitable for your presentation.

If you have any problems with the submission or any other questions please don't hesitate to contact us:

The call for abstracts is closed.