Searching for neutrinoless ββ decay (0vbb) is a promising path leading to new physics beyond the Standard Model. Amorphous selenium (aSe)-silicon hybrid detectors have been widely used in the medical imaging industry. By enriching the ββ decay isotope 82Se and switching to CMOS charge readout with high spatial and energy resolution, the proposed aSe-CMOS 3D imaging detector could achieve sensitivity to a 0vbb lifetime of 10^{28} years. In addition, neutrino captures on 82Se allow us to do solar neutrino spectroscopy with zero background.
Given the highly pixelated data format, compared to traditional analysis, machine learning algorithms will boost the event reconstruction efficiency, the background rejection power, and the energy resolution.
Xinran Li, Chamberlain Fellow postdoc at LBL, graduated from Princeton University. I am currently working on low-temperature detectors for light dark matter detector R&D, including transition-edge sensors, microwave kinetic inductance devices, and radiofrequency multiplexing. Previously, I focused on understanding the ionization and scintillation in disordered targets, especially liquid argon and amorphous selenium.