- station 1 (2x CG3G detector)
- fully produced
- equipped
- installed to GM11 position
- station 2
- mechanics fully produced,
- mech. equipped
- located at Bonn
- electronics
- everything ready except for
- APV bonding (>10 PCBs available, ~40due)
- PVD boards 300µm to be exchanged by thicker ones (delamination issues)
Installation station 1
- LV power supply NGP800
- 1 PS enough for 1 station
- serves as ADC supply, APV supply, and center segment control (NEW)
- implemented to DCS - GM11
- center segment switching box + ETH484 -> replaced by NGP800 channel + Bourndy connector (NEW)
- issue with OVP when sense wires connected and LOAD executed -> solved by firmware update
- Tests May-June: test with readout pcb foil @ clean area (V. Frolov, S.Huber, I.Konorov)
- communication (1-way) established - data is sent from APV
- LOAD command works and configures APV chip
- reasonable current draw ~5A per detector after LOAD
- Tests June-July: tests @GM11 position
- fixed issue with OVP of NGP800 power supply
- mapping illustrations and config files for gemMonitor created
- APV count <> FPGA firmware channel
- APV geoID <> ADC | MUX ...
- implemented in gemMonitor config file
- data looks bad
- sync tick marks are seen on decoded data
- suggestion: data decoding issue on hardware level (between APV and ADC)
- in contact with APV hardware specialists
Installation optimization potential for station 2
- most of preparation performed at CERN -> Bonn
- LV / HV cables and cable trees ordered at local e-workskop
- thread adaptors M3-M4 ordered at local workshop
- shielding foil designed beforehand -> production by laser cut company
- shielding support structure from ROHACELL (solid foam) designed and in production by local workshop
Off-topic - PGEM
- occupancy: triangles of different occupancies since ~2018..2021
- look at a0/a1 vs TCS phase shows different s-curves for the chips belonging to the two triangles
- s-curves separated by in time
- possible reasons
- BusCard
- ADC card / ADC transition card
- LV supply
- approaches in order
- latency scans - correct for shift
- replace deutronics power supply by lab power supply
- replace ADC transition card
- replace detector