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2–7 Oct 2022
Orto Botanico - Padova, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Source Performance Optimization in Cesiated Mode in ROBIN

5 Oct 2022, 08:30
Auditorium (Orto Botanico)


Orto Botanico

Via Orto Botanico, 15 – 35123 Padova, Italy GPS: 45.399444, 11.879807
Oral 10. Ion sources for fusion Oral session 7


Kaushal PANDYA (Institute for Plasma Research)


ITER reference design, inductively coupled single driver RF-source ROBIN is operational at
IPR, Gandhinagar. The first phase of the operation yielded H- ion current density of 22-25
mA/cm2 and with electron to-ion ratios >1. The Cesium (Cs) consumption was very high
compared to a similar source operated at IPP, Garching. The lessons learned from the
operational experience showed the operational limitations in presence of impurities and
excessive evaporation of Cs into the source. Since then the source was disassembled,
cleaned, and reassembled to enable the restart of operations under improved and
controlled conditions. Recent experiments assisted by relevant diagnosis on the cleaned
ROBIN source under controlled cesiated conditions and improvements based on the lessons
learned have resulted in achieving H- ion current densities >30 mA/cm2 and electron to ion
ratios < 1 and with Cs consumption reduced to ~12 mg/hr. Systematic studies related to
parametric dependence on the source filling pressure and power have been performed with
powers up to 80 kW coupled to the source at an RF frequency of 937 kHz. The role of plasma
grid bias on the H- ion current densities, electron to ion ratios, beam transmission, plasma,
and negative ion densities, and electron temperatures have been studied in detail. The
observations and results related to Cs conditioning, source performance optimization,
source parametric dependence on the beam, and related observations and findings related
to the effects of the bias voltage on the source performance shall be presented and

Primary author

Kaushal PANDYA (Institute for Plasma Research)


Mr Agrajit GAHLAUT (Institute for Plasma Research) Mr Arun CHAKRABROTY (Institute for Plasma Research) Mr Bhavesh PRAJAPATI (Institute for Plasma Research) Mr Himanshu TYAGI (ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research) Mr Hiren MISTRI (Institute for Plasma Research) Mr Kartik PATEL (Institute for Plasma Research) Dr Mahendrajit SINGH (ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research) Mr Mahesh VUPPUGALLA (Institute for Plasma Research) Dr Mainak BANDYOPADHYAY (ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research) Mr Manas BHUYAN (ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research) Mr Ratnakar YADAV (ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research) Ms Sejal SHAH (ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research)

Presentation materials