Tutorial on OSETs and "simplified models" techniques
TH Theory Conference Room
This tutorial aims at illustrating, with concrete examples, applications of simplified models. In parituclar, we will demonstrate and answer questions about the use of OSET tools and other Monte Carlo tools to study simplified models. This will also be an opportunity for experienced users to ask specific questions.
The tutorial will be coordinated by Philip Schuster and Natalia Toro.
If you are interested in attending, please register, and indicate in the registration form topics and questions that you would like the tutorial to address.
The rough order for the tutorial is as follows:
9:00-10:00: What OSETs and Simplified Models are, how to use them in
searches, how to interpret simplified-model results in context of a
particular model, and the "inverse problem"
10:00-10:30: Monte Carlo orientation -- an overview of approaches to
generating MC for simplified models, resources for generation, and
what the differences are among them (we will save details for the
later discussion)
10:30-12:30: Further specific questions (Mariangela Lisanti and Steve
Mrenna will also join us). We're happy to discuss implementation of
particular examples, help with particular software and physics
questions, etc.