HEPiX IPv6 working group meeting



David Kelsey (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))

The timings are approximate.


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Edoardo Martelli
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HEPiX IPv6 Working Group meeting - Zoom 
16:00-17:00 CET on 2 Dec 2021

Notes by D Kelsey

Present: Catalin Condurache, Bruno Hoeft, David Kelsey, Edoardo Martelli (arrived late), Francesco Prelz, Duncan Rand, Andrea Sciaba, Tim Skirvin (FNAL)

Apologies: Edoardo Martelli (will be late), Kars Ohrenberg, Pepe Flix


Dave started the meeting by welcoming Tim Skirvin from FNAL.

1. Roundtable Updates

Francesco P:  No news.  Still waiting for Turin to deploy.

Catalin C: No news.

Bruno H: No news - will send Francesco a network dataset for traffic analysis.

Tim S: FNAL now working on lots of dual-stack upgrades. Many services have been done now working on worker nodes.

Edoaordo M: Nothing to report. The connection with MS Azure cloud is stopping. Frnafurt already gone; Amsterdam next year.

Duncan R: no news.

2. Tier2 and LHCOPN updates

Andrea S reports that there have been no new Tier2 deployments.

3. Technical issues

We dicussed IPv4 transfers on LHCOPN - when both ends seem to be IPv6 capable. Why?  Bruno H noted that the IPv6 traffic inbound to KIT or 30-50 Gbps, whereas IPv4 is in range 0-15 Gbps.  But there are 30 Gbps IPv4 peaks outbound from KIT.  Bruno will try to understand reasons.

Duncan asked what news there is of any WLCG data centres planning to move to IPv6-only.  Edoardo M notes that the situation re the new Data Centre at CERN (2024-25) is still not certain - possible that this will be IPv6-only on the external boundary.

4. Submissions to conferences

We agreed not to submit to ISGC2022 as not much news to report since last years talk.

5. Plans for January two-day meeting

We discussed possible agenda items, including a discussion on whether to mount an upgrade (ticket) campaign for dual-stack WNs (or a survey or broadcast).

6. AOB and next meetings

Next meeting:  Tues/Wed 18/19 January 2022 (15:00 - 18:00 CET both days)

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.