M. Novak 12 May 2022 ==================== Download and extract into our `work` directory on the VM: --------------------------------------------------------- Download `day4-start.tar.gz` from your VM (e.g. using `firefox`) then you and extract to our work directory that is `$HOME/geant4/work` as: (go to our work directory; copy `day3-start.tar.gz` from ~/Downloads; then extract) localhost.localdomain:/app < 216 >cd $HOME/geant4/work/ localhost.localdomain:/work < 217 >cp ~/Downloads/day4-start.tar.gz . localhost.localdomain:/work < 218 >tar -xzvf day4-start.tar.gz Description: ------------ This is the starting point of our application at the beginning of day4. This state (where we stopped at the end of day3) contains only the implementation of the (mandatory) G4VUserDetectorConstruction, G4VUserActionInitialization, G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction interfaces (and a reference physics list). The (`yourMain.cc`) main of the application contains: - constrcution of the run manager - construction of the mandatory user initializations (i.e. objects form our implementations of the above mandatory ineterafces) and their registration in the run manager - then the run manager is initialized and a simple run is executed simulating only 1 event with the default kinematical conditions of our primary generator (1 primary e- with 30 MeV initial kinetic energy) - `tracking verbose` is set to 1 in order to see the individual simulation steps (we could not see anything related to the simulation at this point otherwise) I added comments to `yourMain.cc` that explains the details behind the individual lines. This will be the starting point of our development at the beginning of day4. Configure, compile and run: ------------------------------ As before you can configure, build and execute the application on your VM (from the `build` directory) as $ cmake ../ -DGeant4_DIR=$G4COMP $ make $ ./yourMain and you should see now even the output of the simulation, i.e. a step-by-step report (thanks to setting `tracking verbose 1`)