Algebra, Topology and the Grothendieck-Teichmüller group

Anton Alexeev (Universite de Geneve (CH)), Thomas Willwacher (ETH Zurich)

A recurring theme in algebra and topology is the study of algebraic structures associated to manifolds, with the goal of finding invariants, and understanding automorphisms.

Examples include the study of the Grothendieck-Teichmüller- and related groups in algebra, string topology and its invariance properties, and configuration spaces and the Goodwillie-Weiss embedding calculus in topology.
Recent progress in these areas has converged to some extent, and this workshop aims at bringing together experts from algebra, geometry and topology for a fruitful exchange of ideas.
Speakers include :
  • Dror Bar-Natan (Toronto)
  • Alexander Berglund (Stockholm)
  • Michael Borinsky (ETH Zurich)
  • Francis Brown (Oxford)
  • Kai Cieliebak (Augsburg)
  • Zsuzsi Dancso (Sydney)
  • Benjamin Enriquez (Strasbourg)
  • Benoit Fresse (Lille)
  • Geoffroy Horel (Paris)
  • Yusuke Kuno (Tsuda University)
  • Alexander Kupers (Toronto)
  • Richard Hain (Duke)
  • Sergei Merkulov (Luxembourg)
  • Florian Naef (Dublin)
  • Dan Petersen (Stockholm)
  • Marcy Robertson (Melbourne)
  • Chris Rogers (Reno)
  • Leila Schneps (Paris)
  • Victor Turchin (Kansas State University)
  • Nathalie Wahl (Copenhagen)