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May 12 – 14, 2022
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

LoopTransport: a library to solve differential equation systems using generalized series expansions

May 13, 2022, 4:30 PM
Benedum Hall 157 (University of Pittsburgh)

Benedum Hall 157

University of Pittsburgh


Tobias Neumann


Recent developments have shown that the numerical solution of loop integrals
using generalized series expansions of associated differential equation (DE)
systems allows for the calculation of state-of-the-art multi-loop problems with
many scales. In principle the bottleneck of efficient numerical evaluations is
then reduced to the IBP reduction to master integrals. We present a library to
solve such DE systems in the canonical and non-canonical sectors with an
application to the massive two-loop integrals in H+jet production. Through its
implementation in the free open-source computer algebra system FriCAS, the
library is compiled to efficient machine code and can be interfaced to other
codes, as well as deployed in massively parallel cluster setups for precision

Primary author

Tobias Neumann

Presentation materials