2:00 PM
Thursday Afternoon Session 1
(until 4:02 PM)
(Benedum Hall 157)
2:00 PM
Jets and jet substructure experiment
Nicholas Smith
(Benedum Hall 157)
2:25 PM
An automated framework to calculate jet and beam functions at NNLO
Kevin Brune
(Benedum Hall 157)
2:43 PM
Recent jet substructure calculations and comparison to LHC data
Felix Ringer
(Benedum Hall 157)
3:08 PM
New insights on strong coupling extractions from Soft Collinear Effective Theory
Jim Talbert
(Benedum Hall 157)
3:26 PM
Quark and Gluon Contributions to QCD Trace Anomaly at Four Loops
- Dr
Taushif Ahmed
(University of Torino)
(Benedum Hall 157)
3:44 PM
Color singlet decays at NNLO QCD with MCFM
Benoit Assi
(Benedum Hall 157)
4:02 PM
Afternoon Break
(until 4:30 PM)
(Benedum Hall 157)
4:30 PM
Thursday Afternoon Session 2
(until 6:30 PM)
(Benedum Hall 157)
4:30 PM
Recent Progress in Two-Loop Five-Point Calculations
Ben Page
(Benedum Hall 157)
4:55 PM
Two-loop QCD corrections to five-particle amplitudes with one massive leg
Simone Zoia
(Benedum Hall 157)
5:20 PM
Wilson loops with Lagrangian insertions, and a prediction for all-plus amplitudes
Johannes Henn
(Benedum Hall 157)
5:45 PM
Non-factorisable contributions to t-channel single-top production
Jérémie Quarroz
(Benedum Hall 157)
6:05 PM
Automating Antenna Subtraction in Colour Space
Matteo Marcoli
(Benedum Hall 157)