9–11 Nov 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone


Condensed matter physics

11 Nov 2022, 18:00


Prof. Dr. Laura H. Greene (Florida State University and U.S. National High Magnetic Field Laboratory), "The Dark Energy of Quantum Materials"

Laura H. Greene
National MagLab and Florida State University

The nearly 80-year-old correlated electron problems remain largely unsolved; with one stunning success being BCS electron-phonon mediated conventional superconductivity. There are dozens of families of superconductors that are unconventional, including the high-Tc cuprate and iron-based, and heavy fermion superconductors. Although these materials are disparate in many of their properties, some of their fundamental characteristics are strikingly similar, including their ubiquitous phase diagram, with intriguing correlated-electron (not-Fermi liquid) phases at temperatures well above the superconducting transition. These remain among the greatest unsolved problems in physics today; and I will present an analogy stressing that. I will also give a short overview of the US National MagLab and mention some of our own recent work on identifying a possible new pairing mechanism in a heavy-fermion superconductor.

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