4:30 PM
Dust and nebular emission from star-forming regions: A new template library in SKIRT
Anand Utsav Kapoor
(Ghent University)
4:45 PM
The Chemical and Thermal Structure of the Atmosphere of the Elliptical Glaxy NGC 5813
Dimitris Chatzigiannakis
(Leiden University)
5:00 PM
Constraining the Galactic Centre environment with hypervelocity stars in Gaia
Fraser Evans
(Leiden University)
5:15 PM
The Atomic-to-Molecular Transition in IllustrisTNG: Exploration of HI Maps using Realistic UV Fields
Andrea Gebek
(Ghent University)
5:30 PM
The MBH - σ Relation of 105 Months SWIFT-BAT AGNs
Turgay Caglar
(Leiden University)
5:45 PM
Unveiling the Milky Way's early hot corona through the ram pressure stripping of Draco
Asger Groennow
(University of Groningen)
6:00 PM
Feeding an AGN: the low-column density ISM as revealed by MeerKAT
Filippo Maccagni
6:15 PM
Modelling complex AGN media in full-3D with a new X-ray radiative transfer code
Bert Vander Meulen
(Ghent University)
6:30 PM
Probing the Mpc-scale environment of hyperluminous infrared galaxies
Fangyou Gao
(University of Groningen)
6:45 PM
Detectability of a spatial correlation between stellar-mass black hole mergers and Active Galactic Nuclei in the Local Universe
Niccolo Veronesi