S.  Haas broached the subject of future CERN training topics.  There was a growing interest in verification at CERN and the last Friday afternoon for the coming TWEPP conference would be dedicated to the subject.  This was a follow-up to a successful 1 hour introductory session given at CERN as part of a VHDL training course given by Doulos. 
SystemVerilog was also seen as another possibility for use at CERN.  E. van der Bij expressed concern that this could lead to a division of support effort and a dilution in specialized knowledge.

It was mentioned that there was already quite extensive Veriliog expertise at CERN, particularly iin the sections involved with ASICs design.  SystemVerilog would be a natural extension of this knowledge and would help introduce verification techniques in a rather easy way.  This point was counteracted with the remark that CHDL2008 also includes many new verification constructs.

G. Agnileri is actively investigation the possible usefulness of SystemVerilog to CERN.

The date for the next meeting was nominally set to be the beginning of October.