- Belle II
- Will move to v7r3 DIRAC version this summer
- Suggested timeline should not be a problem for Belle II
- Will move to 1.28 and stay on this even after the summer
- Extended Support Period might be helpful, but not strictly required
- Rucio does not use FTS3 clients, does direct REST interface submissions, thus FTS3 client python version does not really matter for Rucio
- Python3 GFAL bindings
- Need to test that specifically in Rucio
- Seems like Python2-gfal package just seems to work fine with Python3 interpreter?
- Python2 GFAL will still be supported for some time due to community requests
- Everyone seems to be on Py3 already
- Rucio Integration Tests for TPC (dev container)
- Still use FTS3-REST-CLI on python2
- Python3 version is out, we should change dev container to that one
- Conclusion
- 1.29 python 2.7 deprecation is acceptable for all communities, we will go ahead with this plan
- 1.28 will not be declared an Extended Support release at this point
- Can still be done later if needed