Jun 27 – 30, 2022
Université de Fribourg
Europe/Zurich timezone

【203】CHART MagDev No-Insulation ReBCO Solenoid Development

Jun 27, 2022, 5:00 PM
Room G 120

Room G 120

Talk Applied Physics and Plasma Physics Applied Physics and Plasma Physics


Mr Michal Duda (PSI)


No-insulation HTS ReBCO solenoids have been studied in numerous laboratories and commercial entities over the past years. The CHART MagDev project, in collaboration with Tokamak Energy Ltd. and CERN, is studying the solder-impregnated NI-coil variant. The goal is to provide an Adiabatic Matching Device for the positron source of the CHART FCC-ee Injector test stand ad PSI’s SwissFEL. In this presentation we show recent results from our technology R&D, discuss test results from our recently commissioned 2-kA cryogen-free test station, as well as the technical design of the AMD device to be constructed in the coming years.


Bernhard Auchmann (PSI/CERN) Mr Henrique Garcia Rodrigues (PSI) Jaap Kosse Mr Michal Duda (PSI)

Presentation materials