16:26:35 From Johan Sebastian Bonilla : https://atlassoftwaredocs.web.cern.ch/ASWTutorial/basicSetup/grid_vo/ 16:27:07 From Johan Sebastian Bonilla : https://ca.cern.ch/ca/Help/?kbid=024010 16:29:14 From Johan Sebastian Bonilla : https://cafiles.cern.ch/cafiles/certificates/Grid.aspx 16:34:03 From Johan Sebastian Bonilla : https://ca.cern.ch/ca/ 16:43:47 From Johan Sebastian Bonilla : chrome://settings/certificates 16:45:29 From Johan Sebastian Bonilla : https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/docs/linux/cert_management.md#:~:text=The%20easy%20way%20to%20manage,in%20interface%20for%20managing%20certificates. 16:51:19 From Johan Sebastian Bonilla : voms-proxy-init --voms atlas 16:54:29 From Trey Grijalva : https://lcg-voms2.cern.ch:8443/voms/atlas/user/home.action 16:57:20 From Trey Grijalva : My bad, checked the wrong email, I def got my confirmation email in my CERN.ch email 16:57:51 From Arman Moradi : I still need to do the lxplus part 16:58:49 From Aidan Morson : https://atlassoftwaredocs.web.cern.ch/ASWTutorial/basicSetup/grid_vo/ 16:59:05 From Trey Grijalva : https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/AtlasComputing/WorkBookStartingGrid 17:26:51 From Aidan Morson : gridCert just finished. im all setup 17:35:24 From Thomas Adams : I have to leave for another meeting, I will watch the recording for anything I missed, thank you professor ! 17:39:18 From Arman Moradi : Thanks