Minute 34


Summary of actions treated : 

- 6 EWB last leak test ongoing + 4 waiting for the last leak test

- 4 HB D125 waiting for the last leak test

- 4 HB D105 already leak tested and 4 other waiting for the las leak test

- Big update on CuCD, Inermet and MoGr progress 

- Metrology of the HB convolution is not good and the decision for LHCTCLPX__0110 part is to decrease thcikness

- Assembly of the table can begin 7-11th March becuse parts 142 not necessary for the beginning

- Male part of the bearing nut is produced : ok for tables tools

- Waiting for parts 122,124,125,142,121 and 123 at the workshop/ metrology 


Link to EDMS minutes : https://edms.cern.ch/ui/#!master/navigator/document?D:100889947:100889947:approvalAndComments