Minute 38
- Drawings 2D done for the plug-in but not for GM related parts.
- A first review has been done by Luca, Emiliano is doing updates
- Production strategy: 8 feets (5 of them with threaded rods) + 3 sup plug-ins (shims + transport plate + WPS later)
- Make or buy plan ongoing
Mechanical table assembly:
- 5 totally assembled + 1 pending for the screw. Jerome passed by B927 to take the CEM related parts for cabling. Part 158 is installed in a corner of the table (added to post-proto follow-up).
- 3 mechanical tables TCLPX with MORESCO and 2 TCTPXH with LUBRILOG.
- We need direct dimension of the end stop and antico to do a pre-setting.
- Dylan will do the new version of the assembly procedure. Check the TCSM/ TCDIL procedure for the torque table.
- Position of 2 burndy connector not good (does not trigger at end stop) -> think about a solution for the serie, re-machining for protos
BPM tests and strategy:
- Strategy is changing because Joel thinks he will have good results with graphite. So, we will test MoGr in one side and Graphite in the other side, then measurement and disassembly of MoGr to assemble graphite (if the results are good).
- We need to confirm with impedance team that the graphite can match the requirements (see with Nicolas)
- Ask to impedance if the test can be done with tank opened and then closed
Absorber materials update:
- 3 CuCD blocks with dry machining received at CERN. Conductivity test, cleaning et thermal treatment to be done (after easter Gregory said)
- Inermet payment has been done, flatness to be done, RGA test ok, documentation ok
- Jaws copper part ongoing for semi-finition
- Cooling pipes in ultrasund control next week
- Tank plate deformation repaired
- Compression connector ok for the 30 bars tests with water and not helium because only 20 bars with gaz. Nevertheless, we can do 2 bars test with helium to have a better detection
- Tank extremities begun
- FE welding begun with leak test to see if there is no leak
- First CuBe cutting received, 2 weeks for the rest
- Receiving 350 cleaned parts in 2 weeks
Additional screws:
- Rodriguez declined it because of the pitch
- Moog answer the requirements
- Ewellix answer the requirements, we can visit the factory
- SKF, Umbra, Bosch not possible
- Schaeffler not answered yet
Graphite tapering procurement:
- Asked to Pablo to order 2 blocks – we need 2 more blocks in case tests are good
- There is special insert (helicoil) in the threads of the graphite
- We need to focus on the functionality and test it to see if there are leaks, and updates software etc
- It may be interesting to check a commercial bath and use the TCC just to take the measurements
- Regis will ask fot the transport of the TCC to the 927 building
Update on planning:
- Adding 3 days for UAP tests
- Adding 2 weeks for August holidays
- Adding 3 days for BPM tests
Update for the serie:
- Update mechanical table after post-proto design modifications
- Change the design of the tapering for materials
- MIP to update including cooling pipes
- Do a drawing of the linear insertion tool because no drawings
- Re-design insertion tool because we need 1mm play for the mounting
Link to EDMS minutes : https://edms.cern.ch/ui/#!master/navigator/document?D:100889947:100889947:approvalAndComments