First batch (pre-series#1) is two CuCD blocks with lubricant machining (and no cleaning): The RGA was showing high contamination before bake-out. The pressure was too high to start the bake-out and therefore the blocks were removed. Test bench recovery was needed to get back the test bench operational. 

Second batch (pre-series#2-S1,S2: also a different production process to reduce porosities)  of CuCD blocks was cleaned in US bath and with a TTH at 400C under vacuum. The RGA was still not good. A second TTH at  650C was done. No more contamination was measured but mass 28 peak was still present (from oil used during machining? If it is CO, it is highly saturating NEG, and not acceptable even at low outgassing). However total outgassing is low.

Third batch (S3-S4-S5) produced with dry machined, cleaned and TT at 650C. Low outgassing, but still ratio peak 28 (CO) and peak 2(H2) was not conform in test bench#3. The test was then repeated in test bench#6, and after 3 days of pumping both the outgassing and the RGA were acceptable by VSC.

A problem with the electronic of the RGA in test bench#3 showed that the 28 mass peak is present even when blocks are removed from the test bench.


The blocks S2-S4-S5 will be tested in another test bench, before confirming the results within two week. Another discussion with TE-VSC is planned on the 20th of May.

In the meantime, S1-S2 (which underwent another TT at 650C will be tested again in a TB different from test bench 3, which could have affected the first test.