Brian Paul Bockelman
(University of Wisconsin Madison (US)),
Maria Arsuaga Rios
Petr Vokac
(Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))
Topic: WLCG DOMA BDT Meeting
Hot topics
Token Authorization testbedSpeaker: Francesco Giacomini (INFN CNAF)
FTS / gfal2 updates to support IPv6 vs. IPv4 monitoring for HTTP-TPC
- rely on RemoteConnections data from HTTP-TPC performance markers
- these data still not available in StoRM implementation
- available in dCache 6.2.28, XRootD 5.0, DPM 1.14.0, EOS, Echo
Add storage.*:/path tests in compliance testsuite
Tape REST accessSpeaker: Cedric Caffy (CERN)
Final specification for TAPE REST API 1.0
Server / client status
- version "0" presented at EOS workshop running on development instance
- minor differences with respect to final 1.0
- should not take too much time to come with full 1.0 implementation
- made available early so FTS / gfal2 developers can implement and test TAME REST API
- dCache
- final 1.0 standard already implemented and 2/3 of code already in master branch
- remaining patches in review
- this can still take some time
- can provide snapshot with full 1.0 implementation
- to test FTS / gfal2 client implementation
- StoRM
- trying to find right technology for implementation
- would like to use new gfal to manually test API during development
- it'll take one or two weeks to merge all recent gfal2 updates and come with official release
- FTS / gfal2
- most of required functionality already added in gfal2
- extended gfal http plugin (staging, archive, evict, ...)
- currently tested with CTA, but developers would like test also with dCache
- still some development necessary on FTS side
- most of required functionality already added in gfal2
All server / client implementations designed to work with X.509 VOMS proxy and also tokens
- add to compliance test-suite once gfal2 developers try their implementation also with dCache
- include gfal2 client in compliance tests and not just curl to test server side
Packet markingSpeakers: Marian Babik (CERN), Shawn Mc Kee (University of Michigan (US))
- packet marking meeting tomorrow at 16:00
- updated at HEPiX last week
- UK preparing new testbed with dedicated collector for fireflies
- configure XRootD native implementation
- flowd can be used for any storage with disknodes / doors dedicated to specific VO
- limited functionality - no distinction for transfer activity
- deployed at AGLT2