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Topic: WLCG DOMA BDT Meeting
Merged to xrootd fixes for how it handles tokens for the scope.create
- now prevents any destructive actions
- necessary to implemented renames correctly with posix backend
- code merged last week - hopefully by next week deployed on testbed
- XRootD and EOS instance used for compliance tests is not currently available
- unfortunately this is not part of XRootD 5.4.x branch
- we have to wait for XRootD 5.5
- large refactoring for EGI Check-in + also integration of CILogon
- running token tests with dCache
- require scopes in the offline token
- without scopes FTS use introspection - best effort
- subject + scope -> delegation id (distinguish read/write activity)
- add issuer
- add audience(?)
- in the future EGI tokens will also include specific scopes
- WLCG vs. AARC profile
- WLCG profile contain wlcg.ver scope
- we need dedicated meeting Rucio + FTS + WLCG AuthZ
- FTS & tokens briefly discussed during WLCG AuthZ meeting
- token handling refactoring in FTS -> several topics that needs to be clarified
- token testbed soon
- deletion did not work - minor update soon
- start work on tokens in summer by new rucio developer
- uploads / downloads / deletions
- improvements planned also for token submission to FTS
- FNAL will provide dCache REST implementation after next week dCache workshop
- gfal2 2.21 release with TAPE REST support in ~ two weeks
Packet marking
- Nebraska would like to join testbed with their XRootD
- more inteligent FTS & HTTP-TPC pull/push/stream fallback
- require propagation of HTTP code back to the TPC client (FTS)
- details in the attached slides
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