In this poster, we present the ATLAS measurement of the centrality dependence of the dijet per-event yield at center-of-mass energy 8.16 TeV in $p$+Pb collisions. The per-event yield of unfolded dijet pairs is presented in terms of kinematic variables that allow for full characterization of the partonic scattering system, i.e. the average $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ of the dijet, $p_{\mathrm{T,Avg}} = (p_{\mathrm{T,1}} + p_{\mathrm{T,2}})/2$, the boost of the dijet system, $y^{b} = (y^{\mathrm{CM}}_{1} + y^{\mathrm{CN}}_{2})/2$, and the half rapidity separation between the jets, $y^{\ast} = |y^{\mathrm{CM}}_{1} - y^{\mathrm{CM}}_{2}|/2$. Initial state effects are investigated by constructing central-to-peripheral ratios of dijet yields, $R_{\mathrm{CP}}$. We present $R_\mathrm{CP}$ results comparing central collisions with peripheral ones rescaled by the nuclear thickness function $T_{AB}$, in order to equalize the two based on pure geometrical expectations. The $R_\mathrm{CP}$ shows a clear dependence on the Bjorken-$x$ of the parton extracted from the proton in the hard-scattering, $x_\mathrm{p}$, while no clear trend is observed while displaying the results as a function $x_\mathrm{Pb}$. These results will help in understanding the implications introduced by the initial state kinematics in $p$+Pb collisions.
Category | Experiment |
Collaboration (if applicable) | ATLAS Collaboration |