Neutrino Experiments in a nut shell ==================================== Mass differences mass mass mass delta EW/PDF mixing angles ordering scale type CP x-section =============================================================================== a) solar [m] a)matter e) 3H c)compare c) high E how it began effects KATRIN nu and x-sect ~ E b) expect from MC m_mu_e m_vu_e anti_nu sin^2 th_W and look at m_t, m_H exactly what for multi- GERDA 76Ge --> m_1 ment predictions you do: GEV upward T1/2>1.8×10^26y  close & far det going el. 79−180 meV m_bb PDF with EW d) problems with from vu_mu 136 Xe < 10meV probe expected flux osc. KamLAND- + inv.ord. Zen136 Xe ==> c&d) low E disappearance c+d) look T1/2>1.07× nu are not coherent sc. appearance for slight 10^26y Majorana 1.27 x differences 61-165 meV particles DEL_jk M^2/eV^2 in oscill. [matrix (L/km)/(GeV/E) patterns elements] Future: every lab and DUNE/T2K 76Ge LEGEND-->10^28y DUNE not much its sister + JUNO 136Xe NEXT --> sim. T2--> effort tbd CUPID HyperK -- pity Neutrino sources: ================= a) solar [m] <10 MeV b) atmospheric [m+a] anything goes c) beams [m+a] anything goes NB, WBB, WWB off-angle d) reactors [a] <10 MeV e) decays typically < 1 MeV 0nubb none f) SN --> study SN dynamics g) earth --> study earth composition [unfortunately cannot do 40K] h) AGN etc --> PeV neutrinos A brief history of neutrino experiments: ======================================== 191x Observe that nuclei from beta decay do not have a line spectrum 1930 Pauli -- postulates neutral particle [3 part. decay] -- will never be seen 1934 Fermi -- creates the name "neutrino" 1935 Maria Goeppert Mayer -- predicts double beta decay 1937 Majorana -- Majorana neutrino m=a [matter=anti-matter] 1939 Wendell Furry -- neutrinoless double-beta decay 1951 Fred Reines developed Project Poltergeist --> 1956 detection at Savannah River reactor 1957 Pontecorvo thinks about neutrino oscillations [when only vu_e is known..] 1957 Mme Wu --60Co decay at 0.1K in a magnetic field -- electrons emitted against direction of magnetic field ==> P violation ==> nu is left-handed 1962 Leon Lederman, Mel Schwartz and Jack Steinberger find nu_mu Brookhaven AGS pTarget --> pi --> nu_mu --> 5000t steel [battleship] --> spark-chamber 1968 Ray Davis -- nu_e --> Cl --> Ar see 1/3 of solar neutrinos --> deficit 1973 Gargamelle -- NC --> Z particle 1975 Martin Perl -- SLAC tau lepton --> predict tau neutrino --> 2000 DONUT FNAL 198x Look for proton Decay --> Start neutrino astrophysics [Mont Blanc] 1985 atmospheric neutrinos Kamiokanda and IMB water Cerenkov 1987 SN 1987A Kamiokanda, IMB Mont Blanc 1998 Super-Kamiokande -- v_mu disappearance 1km underground/ azimuthal distr. indicates oscillation[mass] 2000 DONUT -- nu_tau see at Tevatron 2002 SNO with NC ended all discussions about solar nu flux by measuring NC 2003 antineutrino oscillation from KamLAND 2010 OPERA vu_mu --> vu_tau 2013 Icecube 2 PeV neutrino --> large accelerators in the skies --> measure parameters up and down the parameter space