Warm MQSX and MD discussion

Warm MQSX and MD discussion
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Rogelio Tomas Garcia
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06/04/2022 short LNO meeting on warm MQSX and MD discussion

Requirements for a warm skew quadrupole, Tobias, slides
As discussed earlier (2/2/2022), there is a risk that MQSX magnets could fail by radiation damage towards the end of the extended RUN3. Tobias followed up on possible options to provide in this case sufficient coupling corrections by adding warm skew quadrupoles. This could be done by installing a single aperture warm skew quadrupole magnet next to the separation dipole D1 (option 1, 2) or a dual aperture 2 in 1 magnet next to Q4 (option 3). He illustrates the layout and shows photos from the tunnel. In option 1, a 2.3 m long 0.73 T peak field skew quad would be added at D1 around the existing 210.2 mm beam pipe without need to break the vacuum. The peak field could be reduced to 0.5 T if the beam pipe would be reduced to ~ 150 mm at the magnet position. At the D1 position the beams start to be separated resulting in orbit distortions by feed-down. Tobias shows that the existing correctors have sufficient power to correct for this. The peak field could also be reduced by using longer (~3 m) warm skew quadrupoled magnets. Option 3 would require seperate powering for each beam. Tobias concludes that the options are all feasible and that we can leave it to the magnet/vacuum groups to select the option that is easier/cheaper from the hardware side.

This data can be sent to the warm magnet team for them to prepare estimates.



MD discussion
The deadline for MD request submission for the first MD block is the coming Monday. Based on an earlier discussion in a recent OMC meeting and the discussion here, the following list of six MD requests is compiled by Rogelio with responsible person and title :


6 MD requests discussed:

Mael, MB b5: Chromatic amplitude detuning measurements.

Mael, MCDO arc-by-arc powering

Josch, DA and amp. det. cross terms measurements with b6 corrections.

Jacqueline, 60 degrees.

Andreas & Elena, Testing new optics measurement techniques at FT: Lobster and ML.

Ewen, 50000 turn ADT-AC dipole together with DOROS BPMs (low amplitude non-linear optics measurements).


Welcome (back) for Felix Simon Carlier who joined this section as staff at the beginning of this month.
Javier Cardona will arrive on the 19 or 21 April to stay for three weeks and work with us on the preparation of local correction tools.


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.