9:00 AM
Jose Alberto Rubiño
Monica Vazquez Acosta
9:05 AM
Observations of the full Northern sky at 10-20 GHz with the QUIJOTE experiment
Ricardo Genova Santos
9:25 AM
10 years of AMS on the International Space Station
Miguel Molero Gonzalez
9:45 AM
Gamma-ray blazar 1ES 0647+250: 11 years of multiwavelength data
Jorge Otero Santos
10:05 AM
Modelling and reconstructing the skeleton of the cosmic web
Francisco Kitaura
10:25 AM
Searching for wave dark matter with astrophysical observations
Jorge Martin Camalich
10:45 AM
The effect of fiber assigments on DESI galaxy clustering: SV3 galaxy mocks case
Aurelio Carnero Rosell
11:05 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:30 AM
Characterising the most massive Galaxy Clusters of the Universe
Rafael Barrena Delgado
11:50 AM
Modelling the galaxy-halo connection in multi-tracer surveys
Ginevra Favole