Sep 12 – 16, 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

End-to-end physics analysis with Open Data: the Analysis Grand Challenge

Sep 15, 2022, 4:30 PM


Alexander Held (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))


The IRIS-HEP Analysis Grand Challenge (AGC) provides an environment for investigating analysis methods in the context of a realistic physics analysis. It features an analysis task that captures all relevant workflow aspects encountered in LHC analyses, reaching from data delivery to statistical inference. By using publicly available Open Data, the AGC allows anyone interested to test different analysis approaches and implementations at scale.

This tutorial showcases a complete Python implementation of the AGC analysis task, making heavy use of Scikit-HEP libraries and coffea. It demonstrates how these libraries provide the required functionality and interfaces for an end-to-end analysis pipeline. This includes the organization of input datasets, columnar data processing, evaluation of systematic uncertainties, histogram creation, statistical model assembly and inference, alongside the relevant visualizations that a physicist running this pipeline requires.


Alexander Held (University of Wisconsin Madison (US)) Oksana Shadura (University of Nebraska Lincoln (US))

Presentation materials