In this work, we start by exploring the scaling features in the jet quenching parameter ($\hat{q}$) among the static and Bjorken expanding medium profiles for pure radiation and momentum broadening cascades respectively. Additionally, we investigate the early and late onset of the initial quenching time for the Bjorken expanding profile. Next, we solve the radiation only dependent in- medium...
This talk is expected to show the machine-learning techniques applied in tagging boosted jets in ATLAS and CMS experiments. Jet deep tagging, taking also into account the jet substructure, focuses on the identification of heavy particles decaying in boosted jets.
Identifying the flavour of reconstructed hadronic jets is critical for precision phenomenology and the search for new physics at colliders, as it allows to pinpoint specific scattering processes and reject backgrounds. We propose a new approach to define the flavour of jets, a flavour dressing algorithm, which is infrared and collinear safe and can be combined with any definition of a jet....
High Energy Jets (HEJ) is a resummation framework designed to include contributions from high energy logarithms in $\hat{s}/p_\perp^2$ to all orders in perturbation theory. These logs can become significant at the LHC and future colliders, and are significantly enhanced by the requirement of a large dijet invariant mass or large rapidity separation common in VBF/VBS cuts.
I will present a...