1) dRCC reweighting - ATLAS also observes mismodeling at low dRCC with MG  Sherpa samples, this is why we cut mCC > 50 GeV to avoid propagating any mismodelling to higher dRCC/MCC. Do you trust your reweighting enough to still use the low mCC region as a control region (which is highly correlated with low dRCC)? CMS uses corrections and propagate uncertainties associated to corrections in the fit.

2) Correlation scheme: all NP’s are correlated between SR and CR

3) sl 7: Why do merged jets have better acceptance than resolved jets in the medium VPT region? ATLAS observed slightly different behaviour in the med VPT region. Strong dependence of acceptance on clustering radius jet for FatJet reconstruction - different in ATLAS/CMS hence difficult to compare results on reconstruction efficiency 

4) sl 7: Is this plot produced with requirement on flavour tagging? No, this is truth level; so in the resolved regime any small-R jets passing the selection are considered for Higgs cand if they contain a c-hadron; in the merged regime the leading large-R jet is used

5) sl 23: Why per-year splitting of the floating normalisation of rate parameters? Different tunes in MC for 2016 and 2017/2018, hence expect minor differences. We observe very similar SF’s across years in 2017/2018 but still they’re kept separately to give more flexibility to the fit

6) sl 31: what do you use as a signal in training? VHcc used as signal

7) sl 39: Do you retrain separate BDT’s for VZcc in resolved? Yes. Have you tried simultaneous VZcc and VHcc fit? Not in the resolved regime, because they are different BDTs. In the boosted regime yes, and results on the signal extraction didn’t change much compared to the nominal strategy (of constraining VZcc in the VH(cc) fit)

8) sl 25/12: are the various sources of uncertainties of the c-tagging calibration propagated to the analysis? Yes. So, there are some generator comparisons considered…  Are the scale variations correlated with the ones in the analysis? No.

9) sl 13: lower pTV threshold in 1L than for VH(bb) (100 instead of 150 GeV), makes sense, less affected by ttbar. Went as low as possible without compromising data/MC modeling