GRIEG, Early Universe, UW+UiB
Wednesday 8 June 2022 -
Monday 6 June 2022
Tuesday 7 June 2022
Wednesday 8 June 2022
group photo
Fotis Koutroulis
IFT, Warsaw University
Iñaki Lara Perez
Warsaw University
Iñaki Lara Perez
Fotios Koutroulis
Warsaw University
fotis koutroulis
group photo
Fotis Koutroulis
IFT, Warsaw University
Iñaki Lara Perez
Warsaw University
Iñaki Lara Perez
Fotios Koutroulis
Warsaw University
fotis koutroulis
14:00 - 14:05
task 2: Discriminating theories by joint mono-jet and mono-Higgs analysis.
Krzysztof Rolbiecki
University of Warsaw
task 2: Discriminating theories by joint mono-jet and mono-Higgs analysis.
Krzysztof Rolbiecki
University of Warsaw
14:30 - 14:50
task 3: Constraining the mechanism of the Electroweak Phase Transition by di-Higgs boson production, p p -> h h.
Anna Lipniacka
University of Bergen (NO)
Marek Olechowski
task 3: Constraining the mechanism of the Electroweak Phase Transition by di-Higgs boson production, p p -> h h.
Anna Lipniacka
University of Bergen (NO)
Marek Olechowski
14:50 - 15:10
task 4: Probing new sources of CP violation in the Higgs-fermion sector.
Bjarne Stugu
University of Bergen (NO)
Janusz Andrzej Rosiek
University of Warsaw (PL)
Bjarne Stugu
University of Bergen (NO)
task 4: Probing new sources of CP violation in the Higgs-fermion sector.
Bjarne Stugu
University of Bergen (NO)
Janusz Andrzej Rosiek
University of Warsaw (PL)
Bjarne Stugu
University of Bergen (NO)
15:10 - 15:30
task 5:nvestigating the sphaleron and mini-black hole production at the LHC and its dependence on the mechanism of EWPT.
Aurora Singstad Grefsrud
University of Bergen (NO)
Trygve Buanes
Department of Physics and Technology
Trygve Buanes
University of Bergen (NO)
Anna Lipniacka
University of Bergen (NO)
task 5:nvestigating the sphaleron and mini-black hole production at the LHC and its dependence on the mechanism of EWPT.
Aurora Singstad Grefsrud
University of Bergen (NO)
Trygve Buanes
Department of Physics and Technology
Trygve Buanes
University of Bergen (NO)
Anna Lipniacka
University of Bergen (NO)
15:30 - 15:50