4:00 PM
E^4: training science teachers on energy using imaginative forms of expression
Federico Corni
(Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)
4:00 PM
A survey on conceptual aspects in implementing a teaching intervention module on light spectroscopy
Danilo Catena
4:00 PM
Introducing quantum physics concepts through lesson materials on quantum technology
Rutger Ockhorst
4:00 PM
School science models of energy and their representation by in-service training
Estelle Tison
4:00 PM
Case Studies for Small-Group Student Collaboration in Large-Enrolment Introductory Physics Classes
Tetyana Antimirova
(Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University))
4:20 PM
Learning Using Mentors (LUM) – a learning method designed to be easily implemented and to help teachers in the common school system
Jaroslav Šmahel
(Charles University)
4:20 PM
Students’ ideas on the weather phenomenon foehn and their conceptual understanding of p-V diagrams - An explorative study
Ingrid Krumphals
(University College of Teacher Education Styria)
4:20 PM
Fostering pre-service physics teachers’ diagnostic skills and readiness through video vignettes and micro-teaching sessions: An exploratory single-case study
Ingrid Krumphals
(University College of Teacher Education Styria)
4:20 PM
Socioscientific Decision-Making – From Theory to Practice
Matthias Fasching
(University of Vienna)
4:20 PM
Gender disparities in STEM degree programs and academic orientation actions
Eva Elisa Dryden Silva
(University of Padova)
4:40 PM
Is the Revolutionary ChatGPT an Aristotelian Thinker?
Dominik Borovský
(P. J. Safarik University)
4:40 PM
Digital Enhancement of Courses in Physical Engineering
Peter Bokes
4:40 PM
Awakening a sense of belonging to the professional community in pre-service physics teachers
Viera Haverlikova
(Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of mathematics, Physics and Informatics)
4:40 PM
Engineering students´ understanding of the core physical concepts in Mechanics and Electromagnetism: Has anything changed during pre-university education?
Ivana Štibi
4:40 PM
Tereza Hrouzková
4:40 PM
Analysing students’ drawings of the greenhouse effect: common features associated to the understanding of the phenomenon
Camilla Fiorello
4:40 PM
To teach or not to teach Quantum Physics? Revisiting goals and practices of instruction in secondary schools
Pasquale Onorato
(University of Trento)
4:40 PM
Students’ epistemological beliefs in understanding the 1-D wave equation
Muhammad Aswin Rangkuti
(Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen)
4:40 PM
The theory of five pillars of the mind and physics education
Daša Červeňová
4:40 PM
Students’ conceptions of the scientific underpinnings of climate change: A systematic review of the literature
Sarah Wildbichler