Brian Paul Bockelman (University of Wisconsin Madison (US)), Maria Arsuaga Rios (CERN), Petr Vokac (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))

Topic: WLCG DOMA BDT Meeting


  • found ambiguities in the specification while implementing gfal/FTS support
    • restart discussion with storage developers
    • there are implicit assumption in current specification
    • make documentation more clear / add details that were never said explicitly, but with whom everybody most probably agree
  • next gfal2 2.21 release comes with TAPE REST v1
  • next FTS release comes out also soon, but that one doesn't yet implement TAPE REST functionality
    • this will come later
    • still withing few months
  • FNAL is preparing deployment of new dCache branch with TAPE REST
    • dteam VO will be used for test
    • should become available by next BDT meeting

Packet marking

  • last week meeting with dCache developers
    • running flowd service will be automatically discovered / used by dCache
    • development necessary on dCache side
      • especially marking start of transfer (end of transfer can be hooked to existing accounting functionality)
      • coordination with WLCG monitoring requirement (similar information is needed)
    • brief discussion about HTTP-TPC extension for packet marking
      • agreement on this proposal
    • it should be clarified if this may be backported in golden release
      • production sites usually hesitate some time before changing major version
  • WLCG Packet Marking WG meeting next week Tuesday, June 7, 18:00
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