- CHEP23 Abstracts submitted
1. HEPscore: a new benchmark for WLCG compute resources (on behalf of TF and WG)
abstract: https://cernbox.cern.ch/files/spaces/eos/project/b/benchmark/HEPscore_TF/CHEP23_abstract.md
2. HEP Benchmark Suite: the centralized future of WLCG benchmarking (Gonzalo)
- HEPscore config ARM/x86
A number of sysadmins have contacted us to try an HEPscore config that can run on ARM.
We will prepare a config with Atlas and CMS workloads already validated.
What is missing: include the scores measured on the reference machine
- WLCG workshop: summary of the Facilities session (Thanks to Alastair)