First meeting PUMA@ISOLDE

508/1-001 (CERN)



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A. Obertelli gave an introduction to PUMA and the status of the installation in AD-ELENA (see slides).

The PUMA frame should come to CERN in April/May 2023, also the solenoid. In May 2023 the set-up at ELENA is planned to be fully operational.

I. Neuhold asked about vibration during transport.

There are motion test planned at Darmstadt, one without trapped particles, but with equipment powered and testing the connection-disconnection sequence. A second test would happen with electrons from the e-source captured in the trap. A. Obertelli pointed out, that the situation with antiprotons will be different (mass and therefore the cooling system) and difficult to compare to these tests.

The cold heads for cooling will not have liquid He.

F. Butin added LNE 51has been connected to ELENA and commissioned, operational up to the handover point with PUMA. Next step is to send Pbars and H- through the drift tube to fully validate the line. This should happen within the next few weeks.

O. Aberle shared then the PMP document (see slides).

S. Gilardoni explained, that this type of document has been used for the last 4-5 projects. This clarifies the responsibilities in a unique manner and becomes the reference document for all what comes afterwards. It turned out to be a useful tool to set the scene, even if there are things to be changed later one, we know from where we are starting from.

There are 6 work packages described in the document:

WP1 led by O. Aberle and E. Siesling concerns the general coordination and reporting

WP2 by  W. Bartmann, responsible for the design and layout of the RC6 beam line. The needed electrostatic elements are chosen to reduce additional design of new elements. Types already used in ELENA will be used as much as possible.

WP3 by J. A. Ferreira Somoza covers all need for vacuum. As he could not join the meeting, I state here his comments given before the meeting:

"The planning looks too tight. Please take into account the delivery of valves, pumps, etc. it is long (6 months). If the integration review is fixed on Q1-23 there is a big risk some elements arrive late. The procurement should start before the review. Some elements can be ordered in advance even when the line is not 100% defined (raw materials, flanges, pumps, etc.)It is also important to mention that the present layout of the MR-TOF is not acceptable in terms of vacuum protection (turbos without valves, etc.) and it will require a review. VSC will request some standardization to make the system compatible with our controls and the general maintenance. We will try to reuse as much as possible, but the instrumentation should be the same we use for other lines. "

WP4 Beam instrumentation, led by W. Andreazza, consists at the moment of the production of 5 new diagnostic boxes of a HIE ISOLDE type. Each of it will be equipped with two instruments, a Farraday cup and a scanning slit.

For all beam line elements the vacuum requirements range from 10-6 mbar on the Isolde side to 10-8 mbar for electrostatic elements, Paul trap and MR-ToF to 10-9 mbar at the handover point. At the last switchyard, there will be the option to connect to future experiments in addition to PUMA, therefore we need the same pressure there.

WP5 the transport and handling work package (R. Rinaldesi) covers all handling needed between the AD position of PUMA and the location in ISOLDE. M. Perez Ornedo answered to the question about crane modifications in the ISOLDE hall that the new power line on the crane is followed up by HE. It was also mentioned that detailed 3D studies have already been done about the manipulation in the hall.

WP6 During discussions on beam optics, on S. Malbrunot commented that the Paul trap (PT) erases completely what happens before. The team of MIRACLS has all simulation tools in hand for the PT and the MR-ToF, is happy to help and support, but has no dedicated resources. A. Obertelli stated, that within the PUMA collaboration there is also experience and know how to give a hand. He suggested, as M. Kowalska is leader of the Beam line WP of PUMA, to have her also taking care for the ISOLDE part. She kindly accepted, checking with her hierachy (looking at S. Freeman) the details.

W. Bartmann supports that the simion simulation of the full beam line is conducted by WP6 and WP2 provides the models of the electrostatic elements. The layout and the Madex model is provided by WP2, also to have the input for the survey team.

S. Gilardoni asked if the solenoid has alignment fiducials, A. Obertelli affirmed, also S. Malrunot confirmed that they have been working with CERN survey team on this point for their equipment. Drawings are available in Inventor, for PUMA it exists as a STEP file.

S. Malbrunot presented MIRACLS (see slides). The device is developed at LA2 to push the limit for ION mass separation. For RC6 is has to be adapted to provide clean beam for PUMA. The central drift tube should be shortened, the upstream and downstream elements (steering, focusing etc.) have to be integrated. Beam transport in LA2 is a 2 kV compared to RC6 with beam to be trapped at 12 kV.

In the more advanced configuration all elements in red need to be re-designed, re-simulated and rebuilt and put into operation. Much better in performance, more flexible for R&D.

He stressed, that an Ion trap and (MR-ToF) is unfortunately not an plug and play device. There is a dedicated team building, commissioning and operating such kind of device.

E. Siesling stated that this would be hardly possible to integrate it into the normal operation of ISOLDE.

A. Berents suggested to have a new scan and update existing ones, the start point (entry switch yard) has to be well defined. For future new hardware which needs alignment should have fiducials in the design (involve survey team) and the information needs to be linked to the fiducials or the magnetic axis.

S. Rothe points out, that the new line has to be integrated into the ISOLDE infrastructure and feeded into the DAQ. The control system of equipment coming from the experiment should be adapted to CERN standard control.


-Update PMP and circulate it (O. Aberle)

-Start technical meetings on Beam line layout

-Budget (F. Butin - O. Aberle)

-Clarify situation for elements coming from MIRACLS, ownership, commissioning, operation

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.