For test beam participation : -- Make sure your CERN access is valid -- Make sure you have the right CERN training -- Make sure you can have a CERN dosimeter, eventually you might need a medical certificate -- arrange transportation, ask for visas, .... -- book rooms Hardware aspects : -- prototype moving from Lyon to CERN to be organised. -- SDHCAL prototype chamber checking for gas leaks : Inside SDHCAL : 28 chambers (7 to be tested, 5 leaking, 3 with small leaks with one with a disconnected input gas pipe) + 7 chambers (not checked) that were supposed to be shipped in Asia before COVID oubreak -- Electronics tests for old chamber not started -- New HR3 chamber tests : issue with setting up DAQ control for new DIF -- Preparation of Cerenkov use not started. Software aspects : -- New DAQ software ready -- issue with "streamout" to ROOT compilation under study -- Restart of RĂ©mi DQM to be adressed.