Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

4–10 Feb 2023
Ghent University
Europe/Brussels timezone


Parallel 3C

7 Feb 2023, 13:30
Auditorium 3 (Blandijn)

Auditorium 3


Blandijnberg 9000, 9000 Gent

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Hao-Chung Cheng, Frédéric Dupuis and Li Gao. + Yu-Chen Shen, Li Gao and Hao-Chung Cheng.
07/02/2023, 13:30
Regular talks
Ludovico Lami and Mark Wilde.
07/02/2023, 14:00
Regular talks
Mario Berta, Fernando Brandao, Gilad Gour, Ludovico Lami, Martin Plenio, Bartosz Regula and Marco Tomamichel.
07/02/2023, 14:30
Regular talks
Building timetable...