- Rucio 1.29 "Into the donkeyverse" progress tracking
- 16 DONE / 22 DELAYED
- Very motivated and courageous release plan
- Got lots of things done, but also had to delay many issues
- Need to better question how realistc our plans are
- Have checkpoints during the development to question how realistic our plan still is
- Other topics
- WebUI
- Story books setup for unified design for the different pages
- Integrating the authentication workflows
- OIDC, UserPass, X509
- MultiVO support from the beginning
- https://rucio.cern.ch/webui
- Tokens
- Need to decide how certain workflows work in ATLAS
- Policy decision can impact design
- Should be discussed very soon
- Py3.6 deprecation
- Probably still need to keep it for quite a while