TODO: move these informations in BDT twiki

Transfers with tokens & X.509

Do we expect to run in parallel transfers authorized with X.509 using different roles and tokens? What would be the correct identity mapping in this case and does current SE implementation provides sufficient flexibility?

For DC23 we'll need to use both X.509 and tokens at same time to be able to use production storages.

Is current token only testbed sufficient to cover concurrent X.509 + token usage? ... we should try to cover use-cases that we need by our production infrastructure not only for DC23, but also to cover future transition from tokens to X.509 which might not happen over night.

Plans not to shift DC23 too much, but realistically it may even be postponed after winter conferences ... nothing official yet, we should still focus to find potential implementation issues / missing features ASAP, because of long design-develop-test-deploy cycle.

Same (sub)namespace for all storages

Capability based security defined by storage.*:/path scope.

File access permissions

Only one identity for clients using storage.*:/ scopes (capability), because we can't map identity according different path restrictions in the storage scope. Is it possible to come with configuration that allows X.509 and tokens live in one storage namespace without introducing security permission issues?

Different storage areas currently use different permissions (data vs. scratch vs. localgroup).

Provide to the developers how exactly we use different X.509 identities so they will be able to tell if/how storage can be configured for mixed usage with tokens.

As an output for this effort provide documentation with details how to configure sites with common SEs for concurrent X.509 and token usage.

ATLAS requirements

Discussed in a project-lcg-authz mailing list: "SE token deployment/development"

Recommended storage configuration

Does LHC experiments have their documentation how to correctly configure their storage? Please provide links here:

How do you plan to use tokens for storage access?

Compliance testbed