Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

6th Chilean School of High Energy Physics

Sala M301 (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María)

Sala M301

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Avenida España 1680 Valparaíso, Chile



The program of the school will cover a broad range of topics in the main areas of High Energy Physics. The school is aimed at graduate students and young postdocs, however exceptional undergraduate students are encouraged to participate. Some previous knowledge of Quantum Field Theory will be useful in order to be able to profit fully from the courses.


The number of participants are limited. If you are interested to attend the school please register before December  18th, 2022


  • There is no registration fee for participating in the school. 
  • The lunch would be provided for all the participants on the school days.


All lectures of the school will be in English. Lectures will be published on the website.

We strongly encourage early career researchers to participate in our HEP conference before the school.

  • Abhisek Praharaj
  • Aditya Upreti
  • alessandro santoni
  • Alexis Guirriman
  • Alonso Jesus Aguirre Tobar
  • Bastián Díaz
  • Benjamín Gabriel
  • Bikash Kumar Das
  • Bikram Pradhan
  • Boris Valderrama Moreno
  • Camilo Castro Arriaza
  • Claudio San Martín Valenzuela
  • Daniel Salinas-Arizmendi
  • Francisca Florez
  • Gabriela Hamilton Ilha Machado
  • Gerald Barnert
  • Gonzalo Ortega
  • Javier Huenupi
  • Jeremy Echeverria
  • Jonatan Vignatti
  • José W F Valle
  • Juan Marchant González
  • Leonardo J. Parada
  • Luciano Venegas
  • Luis Cancino Arancibia
  • Luis Urrutia
  • maria mora-urrutia
  • Maryam Bibi
  • Matias Barria
  • Michel Aguilera
  • Moira Venegas
  • Oscar Castillo Felisola
  • Pablo Yáñez
  • Paula Hermosilla
  • Prachi Sharma
  • Renato Fiorenza
  • Rocío Branada
  • Samuel Ogunfuye
  • Santiago Henríquez
  • Sarah Louise Williams
  • Sebastian Norero
  • Sergio Fernández
  • shanjin Wu
  • Stephane PEIGNE
  • Xiangdong Ji
  • Younes Ait Elhadi
  • Zihan Zhao