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DD4hep Developers Meeting



Andre Sailer (CERN), Markus Frank (CERN)

Please Join DD4hep developer's meeting via Zoom

Present:  S. Banerjee, M. Frank, J.Smiesko, A. Sailer, T.Madlener


1) Pending problems

1.1) DDDigi TBB code needs migration to new oneAPI TBB interfaces (Issue 901):
       Clash between Intel oneapi TBB and classic TBB.
       -- Wouter promised to look into.
1.2) Issue 913: XML parsing with non-standard linux-locale.
1.3) Issue 918: Should be addressed by PR920. Waiting for feedback.

2)    Closed issues and fixed problems

2.0) PR938, 939 Detector check plugin.

2.1) PR937: Check proper detector types.

2.2) PR941: Multiple input files to overlap checker.

2.3) PR935: Fix to input handling

2.4) PR942: Support for user supplied input plugins to DDG4

2.5) PR945: Remove unwanted feature.

2.6) PR946: Change to CI: Drop old builds with LCG version < 100.

                    - Test with EDM4hep, TBB and HepMC3 for the LCG releases.

                    - Test Geant4 units.

Will supply new tag to have a consistent snapshot.

3) Round table
3.1)  Markus:     ---
3.2)  Andre:       ---
3.3)  Jurai:         Overlap checks. Working on flexibility of checking detector models.
3.4)  Sunanda:   ---
3.5)  Thomas:    ---

4) AOB
Andre will create a new tag 1.22

Next meeting:   18. August 2022

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    • 15:30 15:50
      Around the table 20m