Jun 18 – 23, 2023
University of New Brunswick
America/Halifax timezone
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(I) PIONEER: a next generation pion decay experiment

Jun 20, 2023, 4:15 PM
UNB Kinesiology (Rm. 208 (max. 68))

UNB Kinesiology

Rm. 208 (max. 68)

Invited Speaker / Conférencier(ère) invité(e) Symposia Day (PPD - PPD) - Discovering New Paths to Discovery: New Technologies and Methods to Uncover BSM Physics | Découvrir de nouvelles voies vers la découverte : Nouvelles technologies et méthodes pour découvrir la physique au-delà du modèle standard (PPD) T4-3 Discovering New Paths to Discovery: New Technologies and Methods to Uncover BSM Physics Symposium | Symposium sur les nouvelles technologies et méthodes pour découvrir la physique au delà du modèle standard (PPD)


Thomas Brunner (McGill University)


Measurement of the charged-pion branching ratio to electrons versus muons, Re/μ, is extremely sensitive to a wide variety of new physics effects. The precision of the SM prediction for Re/μ is ~1 part in 10^4, 15 times more precise than the current experimental result. A next-generation experiment, PIONEER, is aiming at reducing the precision gap between theory and experiment, testing lepton flavor universality at an unprecedented level and probing new physics mass scales up to the PeV range. Additionally PIONEER is aiming at a 3 to 10-fold improvement in the pion beta decay, π+ → π0e+ν(γ) measurement which determines |V_ud| in a theoretically pristine manner. This measurement would shed new lights on existing tensions in the CKM matrix unitarity.
PIONEER will use a combination of new detector technologies based on LGAD silicon tracking target, a deep, and high solid angle coverage LXe calorimeter featuring excellent energy and time resolution. I’ll discuss PIONEER’s detector concept and goals in light of previous experimental designs and achievements.

Keyword-1 pion decay
Keyword-2 Lepton Flavour Universality

Primary author

Presentation materials