Solar-like stars oscillate as a result of sound and gravity waves that propagate through the sphere; the waves allow us to then probe the stellar interior for information on its physical properties. These stars will evolve off the main sequence to the red giant branch (RBG) and subsequently either to the red clump or secondary red clump stages depending on their mass. Additionally, some...
This report presents a review of the Touschek lifetime in fourth-generation accelerator machines. Specifically, the report focuses on the Møller scattering differential cross section and the loss rate of electrons within a bunch of electrons defined by longitudinal potential wells.
When electrons in a bunch move towards each other, they can interact and scatter away due to Møller scattering....
The aim of this research project is to evaluate the functionality of our instruments for performing non-linear elastic measurements and establish best practices for transient-wave dynamic acousto-elastic testing (TW-DAET). TW-DAET employs a pump and probe configuration. We perturb a sample with a low-frequency pulse (50 kHz pump), then probe the system with a high-frequency pulse (300-1000 kHz...
Quantum dots (QDs) are solids confined at the nanoscale in all directions, which often enables them to exhibit photoluminescence (PL) even if their long-range crystalline counterparts do not. QD-PL is essential to explain the different roles of confinement in these nano-objects. To gain insight into the luminescence of individual QDs, optical probes potentially capable of resolving the...
De nombreuses technologies d'ultra-haute précisions sont limitées par un phénomène fondamental : les fluctuations associées à la dissipation mécanique dans les matériaux amorphes. Ceux-ci sont présents dans les couches isolantes des dispositifs supraconducteurs et dans les miroirs diélectriques des cavités optiques quantiques, d’horloges atomiques, et des détecteurs d’ondes gravitationnelles....