(DNP) W1-4 Nuclear Structure | Structure nucléaire (DPN)
- Garth Huber
To further advance the understanding of key reaction mechanism and paths in stellar nucleosynthesis and probe nuclear structure, experiments with radioactive isotopes in inverse kinematics are a vital tool to get direct information on reaction cross sections and rates. Unfortunately, the low intensities of radioactive isotope beams in relation to stable beams in combination with the extremely...
Neutron rich Mg isotopes far from stability belong to a region known as the island of inversion where the single particle description of the shell model breaks down, and the predicted configuration of the nuclear states becomes inverted. Nuclei in this region also exhibit collective behaviour in which multiple particle interactions play a significant role in nuclear matrix elements. These...
Potassium-40 ($^{40}$K) is a naturally occurring, radioactive isotope impacting understanding of nuclear structure, geological ages spanning timescales as old as the Earth, and rare-event searches including those for dark matter and neutrinoless double-beta decay. The long-lived $^{40}$K radionuclide undergoes electron capture decays to either the excited or ground state of its Ar daughter, of...
Nuclei away from the line of stability have been found to demonstrate behavior that is inconsistent with the traditional magic numbers of the spherical shell model. This has led to the concept of the evolution of nuclear shell structure in exotic nuclei, and the neutron-rich calcium isotopes are a key testing ground of these theories; there have been conflicting results from various...
A ubiquitous goal of nuclear physics, within the context of nuclear structure, is to provide an informed characterization of the behaviour of collectivity throughout the chart of nuclides. This initiative continues to present as extraordinarily non-trivial, especially when considering regions of heavy nuclei, as such nuclei are highly unique many-body systems with a complex array of...