(DTP) W1-5 Quantum Theory | Théorie quantique (DPT)
- Marco Merkli (Memorial University)
Bosonic quantum systems, such as photons, mechanical oscillators and spin ensembles, are promising platforms for implementing quantum technologies. Operating these quantum devices inevitably require interfaces that couple multiple bosonic degrees of freedom (modes). Unfortunately, each platform suffers from respective practical restrictions that limit the type of interface being implemented....
We develop an approach for the characterization of universal qutrit gates which extends Clifford Randomized Benchmarking (RB). Our extension uses group theoretical and data recovery methods similar to RB. We show that our approach is both feasible and efficient, and compatible with current experimental methods. This extended RB scheme is valuable for three communities. For experimentalists, it...
Quantum-classical correspondence plays an important role in understanding the emergence of classical chaos from an underlying quantum mechanics. Here we present several families of quantum dynamics, each parameterized by dimension, that do not approach the classically chaotic dynamics as predicted by Bohr’s correspondence principle. The quantum dynamics take the form of stroboscopic unitary...
Motivated by quantum gravity, semiclassical theory, and quantum theory on curved spacetimes, we study the system of an oscillator coupled to two spin-1/2 particles. This model provides a prototype for comparing three types of dynamics: the full quantum theory, the classical oscillator with spin backreaction, and spins propagating on a fixed oscillator background. From calculations of...