Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

2023 CAP Congress / Congrès de l'ACP 2023

from Sunday 18 June 2023 (07:00) to Friday 23 June 2023 (17:00)
University of New Brunswick

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
18 Jun 2023
19 Jun 2023
20 Jun 2023
21 Jun 2023
22 Jun 2023
23 Jun 2023
Exhibit Booths Open 12h00-16:00 | Salle d'exposition ouverte de 12h00 à 16h00 (until 06:45) ()
06:45 --- Congress Registration and Information (07h30-17h30) | Inscription au congrès et information (07h30-17h30) ---
CNILC Remote Meeting | Réunion du comité de liaison national canadien de l'UIPPA - Rituparna Kanungo (until 08:30) ()
High School / Cégep Teachers' Day Workshop (08h45-15h15) (until 12:15) (UNB Physics Building)
Congress Welcoming Remarks | Ouverture du Congrès - Barbara Frisken (until 08:45) (Richard J. Currie Center)
M-PLEN1 - Plenary Session | Session plénière - Katherine Mack -Prof. Svetlana Barkanova (Grenfell Campus of Memorial University) (until 09:30) (Richard J. Currie Center)
08:45 Dark Matter: A Cosmological Perspective - Katherine Mack   (Richard J. Currie Center)
M-PLEN2 Plenary Session | Session plénière - Joseph Maciejko, Herzberg Medal Winner - Gordon Drake (University of Windsor) (until 10:00) (Richard J. Currie Center)
09:30 Hyperbolic quantum matter - Joseph Maciejko   (Richard J. Currie Center)
10:00 --- Health Break | Pause santé ---
10:30 --- Travel Time ---
(DAPI) M1-6 Applied Physics I | Physique appliquée I (DPAI) - Steffon Luoma (until 12:15) (UNB Tilley Hall)
10:45 (I) New life for old instrumentation: the revival of a 1981-vintage Bomem DA3 high resolution Fourier transform spectrometer. - Dennis Tokaryk (University of New Brunswick)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:15 At the tip of an intense laser beam: operando monitoring of laser processing in manufacturing - Prof. James Fraser   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:30 (G*) Formation of titanium oxide in radiolytically decomposed water - Hunter Feltham   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:45 Cross-sectional characterization of the mobility of photovoltaic semiconducting devices via photocarrier extraction by linearly increasing voltage - Noah Stocek (University of Western Ontario)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
12:00 (G*) Hyperoptimization insight for computational morphogenesis - Hazhir Aliahmadi (Queens University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DCMMP) M1-7 Quantum Magnetism | Magnétisme quantique (DPMCM) - Robert Wickham (until 12:15) (UNB Tilley Hall)
10:45 (I) Soft X-Ray Scattering of Magnetic Skyrmions in Helimagnetic Lamella - Murray Wilson (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:15 (I) Exploring Kitaev Magnetism Beyond the Honeycomb Lattice - Patrick Clancy   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:45 (G*) Nematic and fluctuation-induced first-order phase transitions in AB-stacked kagome bilayers - Mr Andrey Zelenskiy (Dalhousie University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
12:00 (U*) Order by Quantum Disorder in the Heisenberg-Compass Model on the Square Lattice: A Perspective from Exact Diagonalization - Mr Griffin Howson (University of Windsor)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DNP) M1-4 Nuclear Astrophysics | Nucléaire astrophysique (DPN) - John Behr (TRIUMF) (until 12:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
10:45 (I) Laboratory Measurements of Stellar Nuclear Reactions - Prof. Greg Christian   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:15 (G*) Bound-state beta-decay of Thallium-205 to constrain s-process predictions for the early Solar System - Mr Guy Leckenby (TRIUMF)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:30 (G*) Pairing in nuclear and cold-atomic systems - Georgios Palkanoglou   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:45 (G*) Constraining the Neutron Capture Rate for 90Sr through beta-Decay into the Short-Lived 91Sr Nucleus - Beau Greaves (University of Guelph)   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DPE) M1-5 DPE I | DEP I (DEP) - Daria Ahrensmeier (until 12:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
10:45 (I) The post covid gap: Are students different after covid restrictions and on-line learning? - Martin Williams (Guelph)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:15 Use of healthy competition as active review sessions in electromagnetic courses. - Ania Harlick (University of Toronto)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:30 (G*) Exploring Computational Physics Exercises as a Tool for Learning Physics - Victoria Arbour (University of Guelph)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:45 WITHDRAWN Case Studies: Connecting Classroom With Real World - Tetyana Antimirova (Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University))   (UNB Kinesiology)
12:00 --- Round Table ---
(DPMB) M1-3 DPMB 101 I DPMB 101 (DPMB) - Valerie Booth (until 12:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
10:45 (I) Soft and alive: identifying the physics questions in the biology of living cells - Anand Yethiraj   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:30 (I) An Introduction to MRI: How to make pictures with magnetic moments - Charles McKenzie (University of Western Ontario)   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DTP) M1-2 Fields, Particles, and Strings | Champs, particules et cordes (DPT) - Randy Lewis (until 12:15) (UNB Tilley Hall)
10:45 (I) Effective Field Theory for QCD Factorization - Michael Luke (University of Toronto)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:15 Schwinger pair production : a non hermitian quantum mechanics perspective - Sriram Sundaram (McMaster University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:30 (G*) Eguchi-Hanson-AdS Solitons - Turkuler Durgut   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:45 (G*) Inflation as a Semiclassical Instability - Muhammad Muzammil (University of New Brunswick)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
12:00 Full renormalization of observables via the Principle of Observable Effective Matching - Dr Farrukh Ahmed Chishtie   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(PPD/DNP) M1-1 Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay | Désintégration double bêta sans neutrino (PPD/DPN) - Thomas Brunner (McGill University) (until 12:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
10:45 Extraction of Ba ion from a liquid Xe volume - Dwaipayan Ray (McGill University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:00 Ex-situ measurement of particulate cleaning for ultra-low background experiments - Dr Pushparaj Adhikari (Carleton University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:30 New photosensor assembly in the Light only Liquid Xenon (LoLX) experiment: design and measurement prospects - Stephanie Bron (TRIUMF)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:45 (G*) Applications of a deep convolutional autoencoder to process pulses from a p-type point contact germanium detector - Mark Anderson (Queen's University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
12:00 (G*) Designing a Calibration System for the nEXO Experiment's Outer Detector - Samin Majidi   (UNB Kinesiology)
07:00 --- Congress Registration and Information (07h30-16h00) | Inscription au congrès et information (07h30-16h00) ---
Exhibit Booths Open 08:30-16:00 | Salle d'exposition ouverte de 08h30 à 16h00 (until 08:00) (Richard J. Currie Center Long Hall)
(DCMMP) T1-7 Quantum Materials Symposium | Symposium sur les matériaux quantiques (DPMCM) - Ion Garate (until 10:15) (UNB Tilley Hall)
08:30 (I) The Surprising role of Phonons in the Extreme Mobility of Topological Semimetals - Prof. Kenneth Burch (Boston College)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
09:00 (I) Machine learning augmented experiments for topological and quantum materials research - Mingda Li (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
09:30 (I) Exotic phases of spin-3/2 fermions in Rarita-Schwinger-Weyl semimetals - Prof. Igor Boettcher (University of Alberta)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
10:00 Symmetry and topology of hyperbolic Haldane models - Anffany Chen (University of Alberta)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DNP) T1-6 Precision Physics and Tests of Fundamental Symmetries | Physique de précision et tests des symétries fondamentales (DPN) -Prof. Jeffery Martin (The University of Winnipeg) (until 10:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
08:30 (I) Theoretical Overview of Fundamental Symmetries in Nuclear Physics - Andrzej Czarnecki   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:00 (I) The Nuclear Pear Factory: Searching for Time-Reversal Violation Using Pear-Shaped Nuclei in the FRIB Era - Prof. Jaideep Singh (Michigan State University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:30 (I) The MOLLER Experiment: a precision electroweak probe - Dustin McNulty (Idaho State University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
10:00 (G*) The Main Detector System for the MOLLER Experiment - Brynne Blaikie   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DPE/CAP) T1-8 Q-STATE: Quantum Science, Technology, Applications, Training, and Education | Science, technologie, applications, formation et éducation quantiques (DEP/ACP) - John Donohue (until 10:15) (UNB Tilley Hall)
08:30 Opening remarks   (UNB Tilley Hall)
08:40 NRC Quantum Challenge Opportunities - Phil Kayne (NRC)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
09:05 Mitacs: Fostering Global Collaborations - Reza Rezaee (Mitacs)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
09:30 Canada’s National Quantum Strategy - Nipun Vats (Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED))   (UNB Tilley Hall)
09:55 Closing Remarks   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DPMB/DCMMP) T1-1 Soft Matter and Biological Physics Symposium | Symposium sur la matière molle et la physique biologique (DPMB/DPMCM) -Dr Mamadou Diop (Western University & The Lawson Health Research Institute) Cornelia Hoehr Robert Wickham Maria Kilfoil (University of Prince Edward Island / Physics) Valerie Booth Melanie Campbell (until 10:15) (UNB Tilley Hall)
08:30 Single-molecule microscopy of RNA-lipid-nanoparticles: applying nanoscale physics to advance nanomedicines - Sabrina Leslie (UBC Physics and Astronomy and Michael Smith Labs)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
09:15 (G*) Field-Driven Polymer Collisions in Nanotubes - Han yang Wang   (UNB Tilley Hall)
09:30 (I) Polymers under extreme confinement: Insights from computer simulations - James Polson   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DPP) T1-2 Plasma Physics Symposium I | Symposium de physique des plasmas I (DPP) - Stephan Reuter (Polytechnique Montreal) Ahmad Hamdan (until 10:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
08:30 (I) Synthesis and characterization of oxide materials - Mohamed Chaker   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:00 (I) Production of nanomaterials by pulsed electrical discharges in and at the interface of two liquids - Prof. Ahmad Hamdan   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:00 WITHDRAWN (I) Plasma Assisted Advanced Surface Engineering: A Synopsis of Plasmionique’s Collaborative R&D - Dr A Sarkissian (PLASMIONIQUE Inc)   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:30 (I) Challenges of thin film deposition by coupling a pulsed direct liquid injector and a dielectric barrier discharge - Laura Cacot   (UNB Kinesiology)
10:00 (G*) N-Incorporation in Monolayer CVD Graphene by an Atmospheric Pressure 𝐍𝟐 Dielectric Barrier Discharge - Mr Charles Modérie (Université de Montréal)   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DTP) T1-4a Black Holes | Trous noirs (DPT) - Viqar Husain (University of New Brunswick) Viqar Husain (until 09:45) (UNB Kinesiology)
08:30 Multicritical Black Holes - Robert Mann   (UNB Kinesiology)
08:45 (G*) Rotational Effects on Fisher Information of Thermal Black Hole Parameter - Everett Patterson (University of Waterloo)   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:00 How do black hole horizons interact with the rest of the universe? - Ivan Booth (Memorial University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:15 A classical-quantum approximation for bipartite quantum systems - Sanjeev Seahra (University of New Brunswick)   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:30 New symplectic formalism for spacetimes with marginally outer trapped tubes - Juan Margalef (Memorial University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
(PPD) T1-3 Discovering New Paths to Discovery: New Technologies and Methods to Uncover BSM Physics Symposium | Symposium sur les nouvelles technologies et méthodes pour découvrir la physique au delà du modèle standard (PPD) - Maximilian J Swiatlowski (TRIUMF (CA)) (until 10:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
08:30 (I) Recent progresses of the LAMPOST Experiment - Junwu Huang (Perimeter Institute)   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:00 (I) Searching for Dark Matter with SENSEI - Dr Ian Lawson   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:30 (I) Looking in the funhouse mirror: a search for axion dark matter using stimulated decay - Prof. Katelin Schutz   (UNB Kinesiology)
10:00 WITHDRAWN - Electron-recoil Dark Matter in SuperCDMS HVeV Detectors - Imran Alkhatib   (UNB Kinesiology)
(Starts at 1:15pm - Afternoon sessions only) (DAPI) T1-5 Private Sector Physicists | Physicien(ne)s dans le secteur privé (DPAI) - Steffon Luoma Ian D'Souza Daniel Cluff (University of Exeter) (until 10:15) ()
(DTP) T1-4 Hot Topics From Theory Made Accessible | Sujets chauds de la théorie rendus accessibles (DPT) - Viqar Husain Viqar Husain (University of New Brunswick) (until 10:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
09:45 (I) Quantum gravity with emergent spacetime - Sung-Sik Lee   (UNB Kinesiology)
10:15 --- Health Break with Exhibitors | Pause santé avec exposants ---
(DCMMP) T2-7 Quantum Materials Symposium | Symposium sur les matériaux quantiques (DPMCM) - Ion Garate (until 12:30) (UNB Tilley Hall)
10:45 (I) Improving and Manipulating Majorana Zero Modes - Tami Pereg-Barnea   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:15 (I) 1D topological systems for next-generation electronics - Prof. Judy J. Cha (Cornell University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:45 (I) Exploring Unconventional Resistivity Scaling in Topological Semimetals for Interconnects Beyond Copper - Ching-Tzu Chen (IBM TJ Watson Research Center)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
12:15 (G*) Tunnelling between a Weyl semimetal and a metallic band - Leo Goutte   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DNP) T2-6 Precision Physics and Tests of Fundamental Symmetries | Physique de précision et tests des symétries fondamentales (DPN) -Dr Liliana Caballero Suarez (until 12:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
10:45 (I) Measuring the gravitational free-fall of antihydrogen - Tim Friesen (Dep. of Phys. and Astronomy University of Calgary (CA))   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:15 (I) The Current Status of the TUCAN Source and EDM Experiment - Dr Mark McCrea (University of Winnipeg)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:45 (I) The Pursuit of precision and fundamental symmetries at TITAN - TITAN Collaboration (TRIUMF)   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DPE/CAP) T2-8 Q-STATE: Quantum Science, Technology, Applications, Training, and Education | Science, technologie, applications, formation et éducation quantiques (DEP/ACP) - Daria Ahrensmeier (until 12:15) (UNB Tilley Hall)
10:45 Opening Remarks   (UNB Tilley Hall)
10:50 Overview of Zone d'Innovation Quantique de Sherbrooke - Martin Laforest (ACET Banque Nationale)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:10 Democratizing Access to Quantum Technologies - Udson Mendes ((CMC))   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:30 Overview of Photonic, Inc - Nicholas Lee-Hone (Photonic)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:50 Overview of Xanadu - Catalina Albornoz (Xanadu)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DPMB/DCMMP) T2 -1 Soft Matter and Biological Physics Symposium | Symposium sur la matière molle et la physique biologique (DPMB/DPMCM) - Maria Kilfoil (University of Prince Edward Island / Physics) (until 12:15) (UNB Tilley Hall)
10:45 (I) Computer Simulations of Modified Nucleic Acids: From Biomolecular Structure to Chemical Reactivity - Prof. Stacey Wetmore (University of Lethbridge)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:25 (G*) Bio-Inspired Azobenzene Photoswitches as a Novel Platform for Optical Oxygen Sensing - Coral Hillel (York University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:40 (I) Shaping structures - Dr Greg van Anders (Queen's University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DPP) T2-2 Plasma Physics Symposium II | Symposium de physique des plasmas II (DPP) - Stephan Reuter (Polytechnique Montreal) Prof. Ahmad Hamdan (until 12:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
10:45 (I) DNA damage as a probe of low-temperature plasma properties and efficacy - Prof. Sylwia Ptasinska   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:15 (I) Laser Spectroscopy of Plasmas - Stephan Reuter (Polytechnique Montreal)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:15 WITHDRAWN (I) Resolving Ion features for Collective Thomson Scattering on Laser-produced Tin Microdroplet Plasmas - Marien Simeni Simeni (University of Minnesota-Department of Mechanical Engineering)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:45 (I) Some considerations about the description of non-equilibrium effects in neutral species kinetics - Emile Carbone (Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique)   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DTP) T2-4 Hot Topics From Theory Made Accessible | Sujets chauds de la théorie rendus accessibles (DPT) - Katherine Mack (until 12:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
10:45 (I) Valence-bond modular quantum circuits for quantum chemistry - Stijn De Baerdemacker (University of New Brunswick)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:15 (I) Mapping the dark matter in our Solar neighborhood - Nassim Bozorgnia (University of Alberta)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:45 (I) A holistic view of pseudo-Dirac dark matter - Prof. Katelin Schutz   (UNB Kinesiology)
(PPD) T2-3 Discovering New Paths to Discovery: New Technologies and Methods to Uncover BSM Physics Symposium | Symposium sur les nouvelles technologies et méthodes pour découvrir la physique au delà du modèle standard (PPD) - Seyda Ipek (until 12:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
10:45 (I) The P-ONE neutrino experiment and prototype - Prof. Carsten Krauss   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:15 (I) Challenges for multi-messenger astronomy with gravitational waves - Jess McIver   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:45 (I) ATLAS Upgrades for the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider - Luise Poley (Simon Fraser University (CA))   (UNB Kinesiology)
(Starts at 1:15pm - Afternoon sessions only) (DAPI) T2-5 Private Sector Physicists | Physicien(ne)s dans le secteur privé (DPAI) - Ian D'Souza Steffon Luoma Daniel Cluff (University of Exeter) (until 12:15) ()
06:35 --- Congress Registration and Information (7h30 - 17h00) | Inscription au congrès et information (7h30 - 17h00) ---
NSERC Liaison Committee Meeting | Réunion du comité de liaison avec le CRSNG - Sjoerd Roorda (until 08:30) (UNB Kinesiology)
Exhibit Booths Open (08h30-16h00) | Salle d'exposition ouverte de 08h30 à 16h00 (until 07:50) (Richard J. Currie Center Long Hall)
W-PLEN1 Plenary Session | Session plénière - Tanja Tajmel - Kevin Hewitt (Dalhousie University) (until 09:15) (Richard J. Currie Center)
08:30 Decolonizing Light – Exploring Approaches to Decolonize Physics - Tanja Tajmel (Concordia University)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
W-PLEN2 Plenary Session | Session plénière - Jason Harlow, Undergrad Teaching Medal Winner - Daria Ahrensmeier (until 09:45) (Richard J. Currie Center)
09:15 Teaching Physics Before and After 2020 - Jason Harlow   (Richard J. Currie Center)
09:45 --- Health Break with Exhibitors | Pause santé avec exposants ---
10:15 --- Travel time ---
(CAP) W1-2 Building Stronger Physics Departments | Construire des départements de physique plus forts (ACP) - Chitra Rangan (until 12:00) (UNB Tilley Hall)
10:30 Using The Effective Practices for Physics Programs (EP3) Guide to Guide Recruitment and Retention Efforts - Michael Wittmann (APS)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:15 --- Discussion period ---
(DAPI) W1-6 Advances with MRI for measurements | Progrès de l'IRM pour les mesures (DPAE) - Steffon Luoma (until 12:00) (UNB Tilley Hall)
10:30 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) measurements of sprays - Dr Igor Mastikhin (MRI Centre, Department of Physics, UNB)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
10:45 (G*) Investigating the Flow Transition to Turbulence Using Simple Spin-Echo Magnetic Resonance Techniques - Sebastian Richard   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:00 (G*) A Low-Field Magnetic Resonance Device Using Ceramic Magnets - Mr Devin Morin (University of New Brunswick)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:15 (G*) Direct 2D Imaging of Water Penetration In Clay Using Low Field MRI - Samuel Perron (The University of Western Ontario)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:30 Multinuclear MR and MRI Study of Lithium-Ion Cells Using a Variable Field Magnet and a Fixed Frequency RF Probe - Andrés Ramírez Aguilera   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:45 (G*) Measuring Pore Size in Fluid Saturated Porous Media - Peiyuan Yan   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DCMMP) W1-7 Condensed Matter Theory I | Théorie de la matière condensée I (DPMCM) - Tami Pereg-Barnea (until 12:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
10:30 (I) Dynamic response and correlation exchange kernel of the electron gas from algorithmic computational tools. - James LeBlanc (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:00 Seeing the strongly-correlated zero-bias anomaly in double quantum dot measurements - Rachel Wortis   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:15 Method Comparison for Calculating Properties of Charged Ferroelectric Domain Walls - Carson Carroll   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:30 (I) Berry phase in the rigid rotor: the emergent physics of odd antiferromagnets - Ganesh Ramachandran (Brock University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DNP) W1-4 Nuclear Structure | Structure nucléaire (DPN) -Prof. Garth Huber (until 12:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
10:30 (I) Recent results from the recoil mass separator DRAGON and the mass spectrometer EMMA at TRIUMF - Mx Louis Wagner (TRIUMF)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:00 (G*) B(E2) Measurements in 28Mg: Structure of the Yrast Band - Matthew Martin   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:15 (G*) Novel KDK measurement of elusive $^{40}$K decay: implications for rare-event searches and geochronology - Lilianna Hariasz   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:30 (G*) Investigating Nuclear Shell Evolution in Neutron-Rich Calcium Isotopes - Robin Coleman   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:45 (G*) A Probe for Collectivity: Investigation of States Populated in the 102Ru(p,t)100Ru Two Neutron Transfer Reaction - Samantha Buck (University of Guelph)   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DPMB/DAMOPC) W1-3 Bioimaging | Bioimagerie (DPMB / DPAMPC) - Frederic Lesage (École Polytechnique Montréal) (until 12:00) (UNB Tilley Hall)
10:30 (I) Enabling New Biophotonics Technologies Development with Silicon Photomultiplier Detectors - Prof. Ozzy Mermut (York University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:00 Dual-slope near-infrared spectroscopy for more accurate estimation of cerebral hemodynamics - Dr Mamadou Diop (Western University & The Lawson Health Research Institute)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:15 (U*) Making graphene visible - On leaves - Teresa Buragina   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:30 Portable X-ray fluorescence measurement of zinc and selenium in toenail clippings from a New Zealand population - David Fleming (Mount Allison University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:45 --- discussion & speaker Q&A ---
(DTP) W1-5 Quantum Theory | Théorie quantique (DPT) - Marco Merkli (Memorial University) (until 12:00) (UNB Tilley Hall)
10:30 (I) Bosonic quantum interface: characterization, engineering, and application - Hoi-Kwan Lau (Simon Fraser University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:00 (G*) Benchmarking of Universal Qutrit Gates - David Amaro Alcala (University of Calgary)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:15 Quantum recurrence in the kicked top model - Amit Anand (IQC, University of Waterloo, Canada)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:30 (G*) Dynamics and entanglement in quantum and quantum-classical systems: lessons for gravity - Irfan Javed (University of New Brunswick)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(PPD) W1-1 Collider 3 | Collider 3 (PPD) - Jess McIver (until 12:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
10:30 (I) Belle II Experiment Highlights and Future Prospects - Savino Longo (University of Manitoba)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:00 (G*) Discriminating Hadronic Split Offs Using the KLM at Belle-II - Garrett Leverick   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:15 (G*) Demonstration of Tau Polarimetry for SuperKEKB Polarization Upgrade - Caleb Miller   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:30 (G*) ATLAS small-Strip Thin Gap Chamber Signal Strength Studies - Leesa Brown (University of Victoria (CA))   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:45 Searching for Beyond-Standard-Model charged Higgs bosons in low-mass $W\gamma$ resonances. - Zhelun Li (McGill University, (CA))   (UNB Kinesiology)
(PPD) W1-9 DM / Neutrino 2 | DM / Neutrino 2 (PPD) - Carsten Krauss (Univ. of Alberta) (until 12:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
10:30 (G*) Water Monitoring System for Water Cherenkov Detectors - Sahar Taghayor (University of Victoria (CA))   (UNB Kinesiology)
10:45 (G*) Laser Stimulated emission of SiPMs - Kurtis Raymond   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:00 (G*) Predicting Muon Fluxes and Seasonal Variations in Underground and Underwater Labs Using MUTE - Mr William Woodley (University of Alberta)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:15 (G*) Machine Learning Applications for NEWS-G - Noah Rowe   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:30 (G*) The local dark matter distribution in self-interacting dark matter halos - Evan Vienneau   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:45 WITHDRAWN (G*) NEWS-G Data Analysis at SNOLAB for Dark Matter Searches - Annabelle Makowski (Queen's University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
06:35 --- Congress Registration and Information (7h30-13h30) | Inscription au congrès et information (7h30-13h30) ---
(CANCELLED) CINP Board Meeting | (ANNULÉ) Réunion du conseil de l'ICPN - Garth Huber (until 08:30) ()
(CAP/NSERC) R1-7 NSERC Funding – How do we best support discovery research? - Barbara Frisken (until 10:00) (UNB Tilley Hall)
08:30 NSERC Funding – How do we best support discovery research? - Dr Marc Fortin (NSERC)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
09:00 Support Our Science - Sarah Laframboise (Support Our Science)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
09:15 Discussion Period   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DNP) R1-4 Precision Nuclear Processes and Beyond | Processus nucléaires de précision et au delà (DPN) - Michael Gericke (until 10:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
08:30 High Precision Half-Life Measurements for the Superallowed Fermi β+ Emitter 14O - Mr Eric Gyabeng Fuakye (University of Regina)   (UNB Kinesiology)
08:45 Development work for The Detector Array for Energy Measurement of Neutrons (DAEMON) - Zarin Tasnim Ahmed (University of Guelph)   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:00 Second-Order Perturbation Theory in Continuum Quantum Monte Carlo - Ryan Curry (University of Guelph)   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:15 Mirror symmetry in the f7/2 shell below 56Ni, excited states and electromagnetic transition rates in 55Ni and 55Co - Heinz Asch (Simon Fraser University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:30 Evaluating the neutron drip line using quantum computing - Olivia Di Matteo (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of British Columbia)   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:45 The TRIUMF Storage Ring (TRISR) Project - Christopher Griffin   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DNP) R1-5 Nuclei and Neutrinos II | Noyaux et neutrinos II (DPN) -Dr Liliana Caballero Suarez (until 10:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
08:30 (I) Barium tagging: Extracting and identifying ions from liquid xenon for double beta decay searches - Rob Collister (Carleton University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:00 Ion trapping for a Ba-tagging technique - Mr Hussain Rasiwala (McGill University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:15 WITHDRAWN Measurement of SiPM external crosstalk in a liquid xenon detector - David Gallacher   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:30 WITHDRAWN - Optimal Model Description of Proton Induced Reactions on 232Th for the Production of 225Ra and 225Ac up to 200 MeV. - Emmanuel Hemba   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DPE) R1-6 DPE IV | DEP IV (DEP) - John Donohue (until 10:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
08:30 (I) Quo vadis PhD? The future(?) of graduate studies - Prof. James Fraser   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:00 (I) Why statistical physics is the best course you take: Introduction to quantum information with tensor networks - Thomas Baker (Department of Physics & Astronomy and also of Chemistry, University of Victoria)   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:30 Laboratory Exercise Illustrating the Error of the Mean - Dr Todd Fugleberg (Brandon University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:45 A pedagogical approach to degrees of freedom - Juan Margalef (Memorial University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DPMB) R1-3 Trainee Networking | Stagiaire en réseau (DPMB) - Cornelia Hoehr (until 10:00) (UNB Tilley Hall)
08:30 Trainee Networking | Réseautage des Stagiaires   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DTP) R1-2 Mathematical and Theoretical Physics | Physique mathématique et théorique (DPT) - Sanjeev Seahra (until 10:00) (UNB Tilley Hall)
08:30 (I) Quantum Resource Theories and Beyond - Carlo Maria Scandolo (University of Calgary)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
09:00 Emergent Cosmology from Quantum Gravity - Luca Marchetti   (UNB Tilley Hall)
09:15 First-order thermodynamics of scalar-tensor gravity: recent progress - Valerio Faraoni   (UNB Tilley Hall)
09:30 Continuum properties using Causal Sets - nomaan x (university of new brunswick)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
09:45 Determining Excited States using the Conjugate Gradient Method in a Hilbert Space of Infinite Dimension - Robert Petry   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(PPD) R1-1 DM / Neutrino 5 | DM / Neutrino 5 (PPD) -Dr Stephen Sekula (SNOLAB and Queen's University) (until 10:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
08:30 Performance of a Silicon SuperCDMS HVeV Detector Operated Underground at NEXUS - Ziqing Hong (University of Toronto)   (UNB Kinesiology)
08:45 Improving SNOLAB's Radon gas assay capability - Dr Nasim Fatemighomi (SNOLAB)   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:00 Probing Physics Beyond the Standard Model: Limits from BBN and the CMB Independently and Combined - Dr Tsung-Han Yeh (TRIUMF)   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:15 Neutral Pion Production at MINERvA - Noe Roy (York University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:30 The SuperCDMS SNOLAB Experiment - Birgit Zatschler (University of Toronto)   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:45 Modeling cryogenic Dark Matter detectors for SuperCDMS - Stefan Zatschler (University of Toronto)   (UNB Kinesiology)
Best Student Poster Competition Finals Judging (Closed to delegates) | Jugement des finales de la compétition d'affiches étudiantes (session fermée) - Martin Williams (University of Guelph) (until 10:00) (Richard J. Currie Center)
Best Student Poster Competition Judges Meeting | Réunion des juges du concours du meilleur poster étudiant(e) - Martin Williams (University of Guelph) (until 10:30) (UNB Kinesiology)
10:00 --- Health Break | Pause santé ---
(R-CINP/IPP) CINP + IPP Joint Session - Michael Roney (until 12:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
10:20 NSERC SAPES Chair Report - Alison Lister (The University of British Columbia)   (UNB Kinesiology)
10:45 CFI Report - Olivier Gagnon (Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:05 TRIUMF Director Report - Oliver Stelzer-Chilton (TRIUMF (CA)) Dr Nigel Smith (TRIUMF)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:30 SNOLAB Director Report - Jodi Cooley (SNOLAB)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:50 Pan-Canadian MRS Technical Coordination Board Report - Garth Huber   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DHP) R2-6 University of Montreal's Physics Department Celebrates 100 Years | Le département de physique de l'UdM fête ses 100 ans (DPH) - Patrick Clancy Francesco Barletta (until 12:00) (UNB Tilley Hall)
10:30 Le volcanisme des monts Hybléens dévoilé par Déodat de Dolomieu (1750-1801) - Francesco Barletta (Centre matapédien d'études collégiales)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DPE) R2-5 DPE V | DEP V (DEP) - Daria Ahrensmeier (until 12:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
10:30 (I) The Research Lab as a Teaching Tool: The Quantum Teaching Lab - Andrew MacRae (University of Victoria)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:00 Quantum Information Labs for High-School Students - John Donohue (Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:15 Creating accessible spaces for experiential learning in an online environment: How to do the lab without being physically there. - Ania Harlick (University of Toronto) Peter Gimby Wesley Ernst (University of Calgary)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:30 Simple activities using student smartphone magnetometers for electrical measurements - Christopher Murray (Lakehead University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:45 Sound dispersion in a cylindrical tube - Len Zedel (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DPMB) R2-3 Annual Business Meeting/Townhall | Réunion d'affaires annuelle (DPMB) - Mamadou Diop Valerie Booth Melanie Campbell Cornelia Hoehr (until 12:00) (UNB Tilley Hall)
10:30 DPMB Townhall   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DTP) R2-2 Frontiers in Theoretical Physics | Frontières de la physique théorique (DPT) - Ivan Booth (until 12:00) (UNB Tilley Hall)
10:30 (I) The Axiverse of Dark QCD - Evan McDonough   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:00 A Penrose-type inequality with angular momenta for black holes - Hari Kunduri (McMaster University, Mathematics and Physics)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:15 Photon propagation in curved space: loss of interference and Bell inequality violation - Karl-Peter Marzlin   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:30 Power Series Solution of Massless Klein-Gordon Equation in Spatially Dependent Gravitational Wave Background - Dr Todd Fugleberg (Brandon University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
11:45 Lambert W Lines and Metamaterials - Prof. Najeh Jisrawi (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Western Ontario)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
IPP AGM | AGA de l'IPP - Michael Roney (until 13:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
08:59 Call to Order and Approval of Agenda   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:00 IPP Director Report - Michael Roney   (UNB Kinesiology)
09:20 CFI Updates - Olivier Gagnon (Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation)   (UNB Kinesiology)
10:05 Report from McDonald Institute Director - Tony Noble   (UNB Kinesiology)
10:20 TRIUMF 5 Year Plan (within the 20 Year Vision). - Oliver Stelzer-Chilton (TRIUMF (CA)) Dr Nigel Smith (TRIUMF)   (UNB Kinesiology)
10:35 Theory Community Report - Evan McDonough   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:00 --- Break ---
11:20 MOLLER Update - Michael Gericke   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:30 PIONEER Update - Katherine Pachal   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:40 Darklight Update   (UNB Kinesiology)
11:50 SuperCDMS Update - Scott Oser   (UNB Kinesiology)
12:05 P-ONE Update - Prof. Carsten Krauss (University of Alberta) Carsten Krauss (Univ. of Alberta)   (UNB Kinesiology)
12:15 DUNE Update - Nikolina Ilic (University of Toronto (CA))   (UNB Kinesiology)
12:25 HyperK Update - Xiaoyue Li (TRIUMF)   (UNB Kinesiology)
12:40 --- Lunch ---
14:05 --- Congress Registration | Inscription au congrès (12:00 - 15:00 and 18h30 - 21h00) ---
Professional Physicists Panel and Graduate Student Workshop | Panel de physiciens professionnels et atelier pour les étudiants diplômés (until 18:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
15:00 Professional Physicists Panel   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:15 --- Break ---
16:30 Strategies for publication: how to choose a journal   (UNB Kinesiology)
CAP Board, Council and Friends Social | Réunion du conseil d'administration, du conseil et des amis de l'ACP - Barbara Frisken (until 18:00) ()
CAP Past Presidents' Working Dinner Meeting | Réunion et souper des ancien(ne)s président(e)s de l'ACP - Manu Paranjape (until 20:00) (UNB Sir Howard Douglas Hall)
Student Networking Event (until 21:00) (Grad House, 676 Windsor St)
(M-DNPABM) DNP Annual Business Meeting | Réunion d'affaires annuelle du DPN - Michael Gericke (until 13:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
(M-WOAP) Workshop on Open Access Publishing | Atelier sur la publication en libre accès - Jocelyn Sinclair (Canadian Science Publishing) (until 13:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
12:15 Open Discussion: Science Publishing in Canada   (UNB Kinesiology)
12:15 --- Break for Lunch (12h15-13h15) | Pause pour dîner (12h15-13h15) ---
M-PLEN3 Plenary Session | Session plénière - Laura Pankratz, Kirkby Medal Winner - Dennis Tokaryk (University of New Brunswick) (until 13:45) (Richard J. Currie Center)
13:15 Promoting Learning in the Physics Classroom - Laura Pankratz (Government of Alberta)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
13:45 --- Travel Time ---
(DAPI) M2-6 Applied Physics II | Physique appliquée II (DPAE) - Steffon Luoma (until 15:30) (UNB Kinesiology)
14:00 Always a Good Time! The NRC Atomic Fountain Clock; Canada’s Primary Frequency Standard - Scott Beattie (National Research Council Canada)   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:30 Radiation damage investigation of epitaxial p-type silicon for partical detectors using Schottky and pn-junction diodes - Christoph Thomas Klein (Carleton University (CA))   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:45 (G*) Metrology of the High Energy Light Isotope eXperiment (HELIX) - Melissa Baiocchi (Queen's University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
15:15 Remote Acoustic Profiling of the Ocean Sound Speed - Len Zedel (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DCMMP) M2-7 Soft condensed matter I | Matière condensée molle I (DPMCM) - Robert Wickham (until 15:30) (UNB Kinesiology)
14:00 (I) Tuning the Physical Properties of Phytoglycogen Nanoparticles Through Chemical Modification - Prof. John Dutcher (University of Guelph)   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:30 (I) Rheo-XPCS studies of yielding, recovery and memory in nanocolloidal soft glasses - James L Harden (University of Ottawa)   (UNB Kinesiology)
15:00 (G*) The pendant drop experiment for aggregates of adhesive granular particles - Mrs Yasaman Heshmatzadeh (McMaster University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
15:15 (G*) Novel Electrohydrodynamically Driven Emulsions - Majid Bahraminasr (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DCMMP) M2-8 Low Dimensional Materials and Heterostructures | Matériaux de faible dimension et hétérostructures (DPMCM) - Giovanni Fanchini (until 15:30) (UNB Kinesiology)
14:15 (G*) Robust Triggering of Solid-State Quantum Light Sources: Notch-filtered Adiabatic Rapid Passage (NARP) - Grant Wilbur (Dalhousie University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:30 (G*) High vacuum remote plasma vapour deposition of few-layer tungsten semi-carbide - Noah Stocek (University of Western Ontario)   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:45 Thermal Transport in Kinked Nanowires - Alexander Robillard   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DNP) M2-4 Hadronic physics, nucleon structure, QCD | Physique hadronique, structure des nucléons, QCD (DPN) - Thomas Brunner (McGill University) (until 15:30) (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:15 Probing Emergent Hadronic Mass with Deep Exclusive Meson Production - Prof. Garth Huber (University of Regina)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:30 (G*) Charged pion electroproduction reaction studies at Jefferson Lab - Ali Usman (University of Regina)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:45 Beam Asymmetry in $\gamma$ p $\rightarrow$ $\eta$ $\Delta^+$ at GlueX - Varun Neelamana (University of Regina)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:00 (G*) From Spin to Structure: Beam Single-Spin Asymmetry and the Strong Force - Alicia Postuma   (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:15 (G*) Renormalizing the unquenched quark model - Cyrus Robertson Orkish   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DPE/DGEP) M2-5 Teaching Introductory Physics | Enseigner l'introduction à la physique (DEP/DEGP) - Ania Harlick (University of Toronto) (until 15:30) (UNB Kinesiology)
14:00 (I) Argumentation with contrasting cases: Facilitation of deep structure learning in introductory physics - Carina Rebello (Toronto Metropolitan University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:30 Facilitating Higher-Order Learning in an Introductory Physics Course - Dr Carolyn Sealfon (University of Toronto)   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:45 Student perceptions in introductory physics through the pandemic and beyond - Miranda Schmidt   (UNB Kinesiology)
15:00 Physics vs Engineering: How do Students Choose? - Svetlana Barkanova (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Grenfell Campus)   (UNB Kinesiology)
15:15 --- Round Table ---
(DPMB) M2-3 MRI I | MRI I (DPMB) - Charlie Mackenzie (until 15:30) (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:00 (I) Machine Learning in Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Dan Xiao (University of Windsor)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:30 (G*) Deep-Learning Based segmentation of 3D Isotropic Hyperpolarized 129 Xe Lung MRI for Generating vADC for a Large Patient Population Studied with The Use of Transfer learning - Ramtin Babaeipour (The University of Western Ontario)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:45 (G*) A PoC study of in-vivo Simultaneous Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI and [15O]-water PET Measurements - Ramanpreet Sembhi (The University of Western Ontario)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:00 (G*) Accelerated 2D Multislice MRI with Hyperpolarized 129Xe in Human Lungs - Samuel Perron (University of Western Ontario)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DTP) M2-2 Gravity and Cosmology and Astrophysics | Gravité, cosmologie et astrophysique (DPT) - Mark Walton (University of Lethbridge) (until 15:30) (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:00 (I) Quantum black holes: fundamentals and phenomenological aspects - Saeed Rastgoo (University of Alberta)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:30 (G*) Discretized Spherical Symmetry via LQG - Jorden Roberts   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:45 (G*) Hawking Corrections from Universal Planck Scale Physics - Liam Farrell   (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:00 (U*) Numerically Solving Fast-Oscillating Integrals - Mr Naman Jain (McMaster University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(PPD) M2-1 Collider 1 | Collisionneur 1 (PPD) - Katherine Pachal (until 15:30) (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:00 (I) ATLAS Run-3 Operations and Highlights - Jackson Carl Burzynski (Simon Fraser University (CA))   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:30 Top Quark at the LHC: Exploring Beyond the Standard Model - Prof. Poulose Poulose (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:45 (G*) Reconstruction of Semi-Leptonic Top Anti-top Pair Production with Deep Learning at ATLAS - Jenna Lori Chisholm (University of British Columbia (CA))   (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:00 WITHDRAWN Performance of Isotropy for Jet Tagging - Jonathan Barrett   (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:15 (G*) Observation of Single Top-Quark Production in $pp$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 5.02$ TeV with the ATLAS Detector - Chin Chong Leong (University of Toronto (CA))   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(PPD) M2-10 DM / Neutrino 0 | DM / Neutrino 0 (PPD) - Simon Viel (Carleton University) (until 15:30) (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:00 Search for a low mass dark photon decaying to an electron-positron pair with the Belle II detector - Thomas Grammatico (Belle II)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:15 The PICO-40L Dark Matter Direct Detection Experiment - Derek James Cranshaw (Queen's University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:30 Latest updates and results from the DEAP-3600 experiment - Susnata Seth (Department of Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6, Canada and Arthur B. McDonald Canadian Astroparticle Physics Research Institute, Queen’s University, Kingston Ontario K7L 3N6, Canada)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:45 Dark Matter Dilution Mechanisms and Large Scale Structure - Prof. Yue Zhang   (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:00 (G*) Status and Prospects of the SNO+ Experiment - Benjamin Tam (Queen's University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
High School Day Afternoon Workshop | Journée des lycéens Atelier de l'après-midi (until 15:30) (UNB Physics Building)
15:30 --- Health Break | Pause santé ---
15:30 --- High School Teachers' Break ---
(DAMOPC) M3-2 Atomic- and molecular physics - laser spectroscopy | Physique atomique et moléculaire - spectroscopie laser (DPAMPC) - Jens Lassen (until 17:45) (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:00 Spinning the Top at the Light Source – Torsional FTIR Synchrotron Spectra of the CD3SH Species of Methyl Mercaptan - Ronald Lees   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:15 (G*) Optical fiber probe for the detection of chemicals: Rhodamine 6G and Crystal Violet - Ms Navneet Kaur   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:30 (G*) Passively Q-Switched fiber laser using an aqueous solution of gold nanorods and poly vinyl alcohol as a saturable absorber - Ms Varsha Varsha (Lakehead University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:45 (G*) Laser Based Studies of Iron Monohydride (FeH): New Electronic States and Zeeman Spectroscopy in Support of Exoplanet Research - Timothy Blackmore   (UNB Tilley Hall)
17:00 (G*) The A$^{2}\Pi_{1/2}$ - X$^{2}\Sigma^{+}$ Transition in YbOD, a Molecule of Interest in the Search for Physics Beyond the Standard Model - Nicholas Caron   (UNB Tilley Hall)
17:15 discussion & networking   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DAPI) M3-6 Accelerator Physics and Instrumentation | Physique des accélérateurs et instrumentation (DPAI) - Steffon Luoma (until 17:45) (UNB Kinesiology)
16:00 (I) ARIEL at TRIUMF - The Next Generation ISOL Facility for the Production of Rare Isotope Beams - Alexander Gottberg (TRIUMF (CA))   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:30 Testbeam studies of irradiated sensors for the ITk strip detector - Callan Jessiman (Carleton University (CA))   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:45 (G*) Probing of ABCStar Readout ASICs Through a Semiconductor Test Industry Partnership for use in the ATLAS ITk Strips Tracker - Bryce John Norman (Carleton University (CA))   (UNB Kinesiology)
17:00 A comparison of DTL structures for a Proton Linac for a Compact Accelerator Based Neutron Source - Ms Mina Abbaslou (UVic and TRIUMF)   (UNB Kinesiology)
17:15 (U*) AI-driven beamline tuning at the TRIUMF Off-Line Ion Sources (OLIS) facility - Defne Tanyer (TRIUMF)   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DCMMP) M3-7 Soft Condensed Matter II | Matière condensée molle II (DPMCM) - John Dutcher (until 17:45) (UNB Kinesiology)
16:00 (I) Theory of Ordered Phases Self-Assembled from Soft Matter - An-Chang Shi   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:30 (G*) Phase behaviour of Polydisperse Diblock Copolymers - Ms Desiree Rehel (McMaster University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:45 (I) Neural-network-based solver for a few soft matter problems - Prof. Jeff Z. Y. Chen (University of Waterloo)   (UNB Kinesiology)
17:15 (I) Using Neural Networks to Solve Partial Differential Equations that Describe Biophysical Systems - Hendrick W. de Haan   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DCMMP) M3-8 Materials Physics | Physique des matériaux (DPMCM) - Kristin Poduska (until 17:45) (UNB Kinesiology)
16:00 (G*) Diamond Nanothermometry Using a Machine Learning Approach - Dylan Stone (Trent University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:15 (G*) Vibrational Modes in High-Configurational-Entropy Rocksalt Oxides - Connor Wilson   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:30 WITHDRAWN - Nucleation kinetics in supercooled ZnSe: Computer simulation data corroborate the validity of the Classical Nucleation Theory - Dr Leila Separdar (Department of Physics, Federal University of São Carlos, Via Washington Luíz, km. 235, 13.565-905 São Carlos, SP, Brazil)   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:45 Stability of carbon-rich materials for climate-change-mitigation applications - Kristin Poduska   (UNB Kinesiology)
17:00 Role of Dopant Structure and Strength in the p-Doping of Organic Semiconductors - Prof. Ingo Salzmann (Concordia University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
17:15 Optical Saturation Produces Spurious Evidence for Photoinduced Superconductivity in $\text{K}_{3}\text{C}_{60}$ - Steve Dodge   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DGEP/DPE) M3-5 Inclusive Postsecondary Learning | Apprentissage postsecondaire inclusif (DEGP/DEP) -Dr Carolyn Sealfon (Ronin Institute and University of Toronto) (until 17:45) (UNB Kinesiology)
16:00 Indigeneity and the Astronomy/Physics Classroom - Hilding Neilson (Dept of Physics & Physical Oceanography, Memorial University of Newfoundland & Labrador)   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:30 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts of the nEXO Collaboration - Dr Erica Caden   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:45 (G*) Undergraduate Programs to Increase Indigenous Participation in Science - Melissa Anderson   (UNB Kinesiology)
17:00 Indigenizing the physics curriculum - a first attempt - Dr Chitra Rangan (University of Windsor)   (UNB Kinesiology)
17:15 --- Roundtable Discussion ---
(DNP) M3-4 Testing the Standard Model at low and intermediate energies | Tester le modèle standard à des énergies faibles et intermédiaires (DPN) - Michael Gericke (until 17:45) (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:00 (I) The P2 experiment at MESA - A high precision measurement of the weak mixing angle - Dr Malte Wilfert (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:30 (G*) Electron detectors for the MOLLER Experiment - Nafis Niloy (University of Manitoba)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:45 The liquid deuterium system for the TUCAN source - Prof. Jeffery Martin (The University of Winnipeg)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
17:00 (G*) Covariant Approach in Bethe-Heitler process for the calculation of electron-proton Scattering - Ms Mahumm Ghaffar (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
17:15 Detecting Anti-Hydrogen in the ALPHA-g Antimatter-Gravity Experiment - Gareth Smith (TRIUMF (CA))   (UNB Tilley Hall)
17:30 (G*) Simulation studies of the radial time projection chamber for the ALPHA-g antihydrogen gravity experiment - Daniel Duque (TRIUMF (CA))   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DPMB/DCMMP) M3-3 MRI II | MRI II (DPMB/DPMCM) - Dan Xiao (University of Windsor) (until 17:45) (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:00 (I) Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI: Current Status and Future Directions - Prof. Alexei Ouriadov   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:30 (U*) Measuring Axon Diameters within the Mouse Corpus Callosum using Oscillating Gradient Spin Echo MRI Sequences - Emma Friesen (Biochemistry Program, University of Winnipeg)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:45 (U*) Axon Diameter Inferences in Substructures of the Mouse Corpus Callosum - Madison Chisholm (Neuroscience, The University of Winnipeg)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
17:00 (G*) NIBLES: A Numeric Bloch Solver with Dynamic Relaxation Calculations for MRI System Design - Mr John Adams (Western University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DTP) M3-9 Strong Gravity and Black Holes | Gravité forte et trous noirs (DPT) - Hari Kunduri (McMaster University, Mathematics and Physics) (until 17:45) (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:00 (I) Shock waves from quantum black holes - Viqar Husain   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:30 (G*) Temporary horizons: the life and times of a quantum black hole - Samantha hergott (York University / Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:45 (G*) A five dimensional distorted black hole with a “bubble”. - Matin Tavayef (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
17:00 (G*) Formalism for Finding Marginally Outer Trapped Surfaces (MOTSs) in Kerr and its Friends - Sarah Muth   (UNB Tilley Hall)
17:15 (G*) Self-intersecting marginally outer trapped surfaces (MOTSs) in rotating spacetimes - Kam To Billy Chan   (UNB Tilley Hall)
17:30 (G*) Exotic MOTS in the Schwarzschild Kruskal Extension - Liam Newhook   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(PPD) M3-1 Collider 2 | Collider 2 (PPD) - Luise Poley (Simon Fraser University (CA)) (until 17:45) (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:00 (I) Recent Physics Highlights from the ATLAS Experiment - Nikolina Ilic (University of Toronto (CA))   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:30 (G*) Training electron identification CNN in real data - Olivier Denis (Universite de Montreal (CA))   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:45 Calorimetry Detectors for Particle Physics - Prof. Francois Corriveau (McGill University, (CA))   (UNB Tilley Hall)
17:00 (G*) Simulating noise waveforms in the Belle II electromagnetic calorimeter (ECL) using generative adversarial neural networks (GANs) - Alexandre Beaubien   (UNB Tilley Hall)
17:15 (G*) Simulating high-energy particle-calorimeter interactions with quantum-classical generative models - Hao Jia (University of British Columbia (CA))   (UNB Tilley Hall)
17:30 (G*) A simultaneous measurement of 24 observables in Z+jets events using the ATLAS detector - Laura Miller (Carleton University (CA))   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(PPD) M3-10 DM / Neutrino 1 | DM / Neutrino 1 (PPD) - Chris Jillings (until 17:45) (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:00 (G*) Multi-Source TPB Evaporation for DarkSide-20k - Bansari Vyas   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:15 (U*) CUTE Neutron Calibration System - Sierra Jess   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:30 (G*) Supporting measurements for dark matter experiments using the Argon-1 prototype - Michael Perry   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:45 (G*) Characterizing the Liquid Argon TPCs for the DUNE ND-LAr 2x2 demonstrator - Rowan Zaki   (UNB Tilley Hall)
17:00 (G*) Simulation study of the impact of intermediary materials on the T9 beam for the WCTE. - Deesha Divecha   (UNB Tilley Hall)
17:15 (G*) Progress on the Hyper-Kamiokande multi-Photomultiplier Tube Modules - Jakob Rimmer (TRIUMF)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
17:30 (G*) Searching for a Strongly Interacting Dark Sector at MoEDAL MAPP - Shafakat Arifeen (University of Regina)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
High School Day Extra Workshop/Social | Journée des lycéens Extra Atelier/Social (until 17:45) (UNB Physics Building)
Welcome Reception with BBQ | Réception d'accueil avec BBQ (until 19:15) (Quad)
19:15 --- Travel Time ---
M-HERZ Herzberg Memorial Public Lecture | Conférence publique commémorative Herzberg - William Whelan (until 20:30) (Richard J. Currie Center)
19:30 Gravitational Physics with Atom Interferometry - Dr Mark Kasevich (Stanford University)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
Lecture Hall Available for Mingling / Salle de conférence disponible pour échanges (until 21:30) ()
12:15 --- Break for Lunch (12h15-13h15) | Pause pour dîner (12h15-13h15) ---
CJP Editorial Board Meeting | Réunion du comité de rédaction de la RCP - Robert Mann (until 13:15) (5 (max. 70))
(DAPI) T3-5 Private Sector Physicists | Physicien(ne)s dans le secteur privé (DPAI) - Daniel Cluff (University of Exeter) Ian D'Souza Steffon Luoma (until 14:45) (UNB Tilley Hall)
13:15 Industrial Data Scientist - Justin Furlotte   (UNB Tilley Hall)
13:35 The road ahead for physicists to maximize innovation with a minimum of harm. - Dr Troy vom Braucke (GP Plasma LLC)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
13:55 Medical Physics and Horizon Health Network - Dr Jonathan Dysart (Horizon Health Network)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:15 Deep Mining - Daniel Cluff (University of Exeter)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:35 --- Q&A ---
(DNP) T3-6 Precision Physics and Tests of Fundamental Symmetries | Physique de précision et tests des symétries fondamentales (DPN) - Rob Collister (Carleton University) (until 14:45) (UNB Kinesiology)
13:15 (I) Neutrino helicity and time-reversal breaking with TRIUMF's neutral atom trap for beta decay - John Behr (TRIUMF)   (UNB Kinesiology)
13:45 (I) nEXO: Searching for Lepton Number Violation and Majorana Neutrinos - Soud Al Kharusi   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:15 (I) Towards an atomic parity-violation experiment in francium - Timothy Hucko (University of Manitoba)   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DPE/CAP) T3-8 Q-STATE: Quantum Science, Technology, Applications, Training, and Education | Science, technologie, applications, formation et éducation quantiques (DEP/ACP) - Olivia Dimatteo (until 14:50) (UNB Tilley Hall)
13:15 --- Opening remarks ---
13:20 What do recent collapses of quantum algorithms mean for quantum computing? - Thomas Baker (Department of Physics & Astronomy and also of Chemistry, University of Victoria)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
13:30 The future of optical quantum information: Farther, Better, Slower, Stronger - Deny Hamel (Université de Moncton)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
13:40 The role of artificial neural networks in quantum many-body physics - Stef Czischek (University of Ottawa)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
13:50 Quantum resources in the future of quantum information - Prof. Carlo Maria Scandolo (University of Calgary)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:00 Beyond qubits: a glimpse at bosonic quantum technologies - Hoi-Kwan Lau (Simon Fraser University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:10 The quantum computing stack - Dr Julien Ross (Dalhousie University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:20 Quantum State Engineering using collective spin excitations - Andrew MacRae (University of Victoria)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:35 Quantum State Engineering using collective spin excitations - Andrew MacRae (University of Victoria)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DPMB/DCMMP) T3-1 Soft Matter and Biological Physics Symposium | Symposium sur la matière molle et la physique biologique (DPMB/DPMCM) - Maria Kilfoil (University of Prince Edward Island / Physics) (until 14:45) (UNB Kinesiology)
13:15 (I) Hydrodynamic interactions of swimming microorganisms with particles and surfaces - Henry Shum (University of Waterloo)   (UNB Kinesiology)
13:45 (I) Embryonic tissues as active matter: modelling developmental processes - Dr Gonca Erdemci-Tandogan (Western University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:15 (I) Multi-tunable colloids with dipolar and depletion interactions - Anand Yethiraj   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DPP) T3-2 Plasma Physics Symposium III | Symposium de physique des plasmas III (DPP) - Stephan Reuter (Polytechnique Montreal) Ahmad Hamdan (until 14:45) (UNB Tilley Hall)
13:15 (I) Plasma persistence, absorption and scattering: what physics governs burst-mode ultrafast laser-materials interaction? - Robin S. Marjoribanks   (UNB Tilley Hall)
13:45 (I) Experiments and simulation of the nonlinear interaction between spinning magnetized plasma pressure filaments - Prof. Richard Sydora (University of Alberta)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:15 (I) Plasma flow and acceleration in the magnetic flux tubes - Prof. Andrei Smolyakov (University of Saskatchewan)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DTP) T3-4 Hot Topics From Theory Made Accessible | Sujets chauds de la théorie rendus accessibles (DPT) - Gojko Vujanovic (University of Regina) Prof. Gojko Vujanovic (University of Regina) (until 14:45) (UNB Tilley Hall)
13:15 (I) Modeling high redshift structure formation and reionization - Rahul Kannan   (UNB Tilley Hall)
13:45 (I) The densest stuff in the Universe: probing neutron star matter with gravitational waves - Philippe Landry (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:15 (I) Rapid neutron capture nucleosynthesis in the multi-messenger era - Nicole Vassh (TRIUMF)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(PPD) T3-3 Discovering New Paths to Discovery: New Technologies and Methods to Uncover BSM Physics Symposium | Symposium sur les nouvelles technologies et méthodes pour découvrir la physique au delà du modèle standard (PPD) - Nikolina Ilic (University of Toronto (CA)) (until 14:45) (UNB Kinesiology)
13:15 (I) Searches for long-lived particles with MATHUSLA - Caleb Miller   (UNB Kinesiology)
13:45 (I) New searches in astroparticle physics with noble liquids enabled by developments in SiPM technology - Simon Viel (Carleton University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:15 (I) The MoEDAL-MAPP Experiment at the LHC’s Run-3 and Beyond. - Prof. James Pinfold (University of Alberta (CA))   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:45 --- Health Break (with exhibitors) | Pause santé (avec exposants) ---
(DAPI) T4-5 Private Sector Physicists | Physicien(ne)s dans le secteur privé (DPAI) - Daniel Cluff (University of Exeter) Steffon Luoma Ian D'Souza (until 17:15) (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:15 From physics research laboratory to industry - Pandurang Ashrit (Université de Moncton)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:35 Green Imaging Technologies - Michael Dick (Green Imaging Technologoes)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:55 CAP Professional Physicist Program - Daniel Cluff   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:15 --- Q&A ---
16:25 Panel Discussion   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DCMMP) T4-7 Quantum Materials Symposium | Symposium sur les matériaux quantiques (DPMCM) - Tamar Pereg-Barnea Tami Pereg-Barnea (until 17:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
15:15 (I) Enhanced quantum state reconstruction with artificial neural networks - Stef Czischek (University of Ottawa)   (UNB Kinesiology)
15:45 (I) Neural quantum state tomography, improvements and applications - Pooya Ronagh   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:15 (I) The Quantum Many-Body Problem in the Age of Machine Learning - Prof. Adrian Feiguin (Northeastern University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DNP) T4-6 Precision Physics and Tests of Fundamental Symmetries | Physique de précision et tests des symétries fondamentales (DPN) -Prof. Gregory Christian (Saint Mary's University) (until 17:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
15:15 (I) The Neutron Beta Decay Experiment (Nab) and Canada’s Role using the Manitoba II 30 keV Proton Source - Nick Macsai (University of Manitoba)   (UNB Kinesiology)
15:45 (I) Radioactive molecules for fundamental physics at TRIUMF - Dr Ivana Belosevic (TRIUMF)   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:15 (G*) Observation of magnetic dipole M1 transition in francium: A key step towards measuring atomic parity violation - Ms Anima Sharma (university of manitoba)   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:30 (G*) Laser Calibration Studies Using the ALPHA-g Detector - Pooja Woosaree (Dep. of Phys. and Astronomy University of Calgary (CA))   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:45 (G*) Storage lifetime of ultracold neutrons in superfluid helium between 1.0 K and 1.8 K - Sean Vanbergen   (UNB Kinesiology)
17:00 (G*) STUDIES OF 198Hg(d, d’) INELASTIC SCATTERING REACTION - Sally Valbuena   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DPE/CAP) T4-8 Q-STATE: Quantum Science, Technology, Applications, Training, and Education | Science, technologie, applications, formation et éducation quantiques (DEP/ACP) - John Donohue Daria Ahrensmeier (until 17:15) (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:15 --- Opening remarks ---
15:20 Crafting an Inclusive Quantum Computing Education Strategy Across All Levels - Sarah Audrey Blanchette (Université de Sherbrooke)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:35 Quantum graduate programs and labs for interdisciplinary study - John Donohue (University of Waterloo)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:55 Quantum City: addressing quantum industry’s needs with new talent development programs - Prof. Carlo Maria Scandolo (University of Calgary)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:15 The NSERC CREATE Program in Quantum Computing - stories, successes, and challenges from our first three years - Daria Ahrensmeier   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DPMB/DCMMP) T4-1 Soft Matter and Biological Physics Symposium | Symposium sur la matière molle et la physique biologique (DPMB/DPMCM) - Maria Kilfoil (University of Prince Edward Island / Physics) (until 17:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
15:15 (I) Principles of resource allocation under the active control of ribosome synthesis in bacteria - Dr Suckjoon Jun (University of California, San Diego)   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:05 (G*) Applying constraints on biomolecular network interactions through variability in perturbation response data - Seshu Iyengar   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:20 (I) Noise, Networks, and Population Dynamics in the Evolution of Drug Resistance - Daniel Charlebois (University of Alberta)   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DPP) T4-2 Plasma Physics Symposium VI | Symposium de physique des plasmas VI (DPP) - Ahmad Hamdan Stephan Reuter (Polytechnique Montreal) (until 17:15) (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:15 (I) The impact of ionospheric plasma turbulence on communication, position, navigation, and timing systems - Prof. Jayachandran Thayyil (University of New Brunswick)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:45 Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation for Fusion PFC Testing - Michael Bradley   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:00 Laser Induced florescence study of a plasma immersion ion implantation system - Lenaic Couedel   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:15 The importance of ion temperature profile in collisional sheath modelling - Mr Jong Hern MUN (University of Saskatchewan)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:30 (G*) An OES diagnostic method for non-steady-state pulsed microwaves plasmas - Amaia DRIOLLET   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:45 (G*) Cold atmospheric plasma jet diagnostic for tumor growth control and bacteria inactivation - Mr Jean-Baptiste Billeau (Polytechnique Montréal)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DTP) T4-4 Hot Topics From Theory Made Accessible | Sujets chauds de la théorie rendus accessibles (DPT) - Turkuler Durgut (until 17:15) (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:15 (I) What is the simplicity of the early universe trying to tell us? - Latham Boyle (Perimeter Institute)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:45 (I) Theoretical modeling of topological microelectronic devices with van Roosbroeck's equations - Ion Garate   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:15 (I) Quantum Computational Advantage with a Programmable Photonic Processor - Nicolás Quesada (Polytechnique Montréal)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:45 (I) How can we define and control the material properties of developing tissues? - Dr Gonca Erdemci-Tandogan (Western University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(PPD) T4-3 Discovering New Paths to Discovery: New Technologies and Methods to Uncover BSM Physics Symposium | Symposium sur les nouvelles technologies et méthodes pour découvrir la physique au delà du modèle standard (PPD) - Oliver Stelzer-Chilton (TRIUMF (CA)) (until 17:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
15:15 (G*) PENeLOPE: Measuring a precise neutron lifetime with a magneto-gravitational trap for ultracold neutrons - Dennis Salazar   (UNB Kinesiology)
15:30 Searching for Dark Matter with Liquid Argon: DEAP-3600, DarkSide-20k, and ARGO - Chris Jillings (SNOLAB, Laurentian University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:00 (G*) Newest results from the NEWS-G dark matter experiment at the LSM - Jean-Marie Coquillat   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:15 (I) PIONEER: a next generation pion decay experiment - Thomas Brunner (McGill University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:45 The Chiral Belle Project: Polarized Beams at SuperKEKB/Belle II - Michael Roney   (UNB Kinesiology)
17:15 --- NOTE re Poster session programming: The 2 min time allotted to each poster is SIMPLY used to have each poster display more conveniently in the schedule. There is NO specific presentation time for posters. All presenters should be at their posters for the duration of the poster session. ---
DAMOPC Poster Session & Student Poster Competition (6) | Session d'affiches DPAMPC et concours d'affiches étudiantes (6) (until 19:00) (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:30 (G*) (POS-41) An ultra-low phase noise microwave synthesizer for quantum sensing with cold atoms - Timothy Hunt (University of New Brunswick)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:32 (G*) (POS-40) A tunable frequency-offset-locked laser system for matter-wave interferometry - Mr Kamal Shalaby (University of New Brunswick)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:34 (G*) (POS-36) Theory of Multi-Frequency Raman Generation with Chirped Pulses - Joscelyn van der Veen   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:36 (U*) (POS-37) State selective field ionization for reionization of optically nuclear spin polarized, low-abundance radioisotope beams - Aryan Prasad (University of Waterloo)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:38 (G*) (POS-38) Two Color Nonlinear Fiber Amplification - Dean Eaton (University of Waterloo)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:40 (POS-39) Building an open access quantum information processor using Barium Ions - Akbar Jahangiri Jozani (University of Waterloo)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
DAPI Poster Session & Student Poster Competition (5) | Session d'affiches DPIA et concours d'affiches étudiantes (5) (until 19:00) (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:40 (U*) (POS-34) Asteroseismology: Unveiling Stellar Nature Through Oscillation Pattern Recognition - Ms Kanah Smith (University of Toronto, David A. Dunlap Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:42 (G*) (POS-31) Touschek lifetime in 4th generation light sources - Yasaman Yousefi Sigari   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:44 (G*) (POS-35) Developing Best Practices for Elastic Wave Data Collection - Katelyn Nicole Joyce   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:46 (POS-32) Towards the hyperspectral Investigation of Individual Fluorescent Quantum Dots via Scanning Near-Field Photoluminescence Spectro-microscopy - Teresa Buragina   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:48 (POS-33) Miroirs silencieux et relaxation - François Schiettekatte   (Richard J. Currie Center)
DCMMP Poster Session & Student Poster Competition (9) | Session d'affiches DPMCM et concours d'affiches étudiantes (9) (until 19:00) (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:30 WITHDRAWN - (POS-21) Effects of localization length and spatial disorder on a charge carrier mobility in organic disordered semiconductors - Seyfan Shukri (Salale University)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:32 (G*) (POS-30) Enhancing Hydrogen Desorption Kinetics and Storage Capacity of Magnesium Hydride (MgH2) via Ball Milling and Cold Rolling Methods - mona madadian bozorg   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:34 (G*) (POS-24) Effect of t2g Orbitals on Ferroelectric Thin Films - Brennan Cornell (Trent University)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:36 (G*) (POS-25) Magnetic interactions in AB-stacked kagome lattices: magnetic structure, symmetry, and duality - Mr Andrey Zelenskiy (Dalhousie University)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:42 (G*) (POS-26) Atums Green: A New Phenylene-Based Conjugated Polymer and Associated Three-Color Polymer Blends. - Tanisha Mehreen (Graduate Student)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:46 (POS-22) Diffusion coefficient scaling of a fast Brownian particle - Mykhaylo Evstigneev   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:48 (POS-29) Many-Body Dispersion in Model Systems and the Sensitivity of Self-Consistent Screening - Mr Kyle Bryenton (Dalhousie University)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:50 (POS-27) High Resolution Soft X-ray Spectroscopies at IASF - Dr davidniu wang (Institute of Advanced Science Facility)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:54 (POS-28) Higher-order electron-phonon interactions and their effect on the dielectric and thermal properties of strongly-correlated 2D Dirac crystals - Prof. Giovanni Fanchini (University of Western Ontario)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
DGEP Poster Session & Student Poster Competition (0) | Session d'affiches DEGP et concours d'affiches étudiantes (0) (until 19:00) (Richard J. Currie Center)
DHP Poster Session & Student Poster Competition (0) | Session d'affiches DHP et concours d'affiches étudiantes (0) (until 19:00) (Richard J. Currie Center)
DNP Poster Session & Student Poster Competition (2) | Session d'affiches DPN et concours d'affiches étudiantes (2) (until 19:00) (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:30 (G*) (POS-19) A Quantum Monte Carlo Study: From the Hubbard model to the Unitary Gas - Jayani Dissanayake   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:32 (G*) (POS-20) Commissioning of a Paul trap for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Exotic Radionuclides performed in a 30 keV MR-ToF device - Louis Croquette   (Richard J. Currie Center)
DPE Poster Session & Student Poster Competition (2) | Session d'affiches DEP et concours d'affiches étudiantes (2) (until 19:00) (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:30 (G*) (POS-18) Gee Whiz: A Redesigned Undergraduate Lab Experience - Urja Nandivada   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:32 (POS-41) How can sustainability be integrated into the research culture? - Laura CACOT   (Richard J. Currie Center)
DPMB Poster Session & Student Poster Competition (4) | Session d'affiches DPMB et concours d'affiches étudiantes (4) (until 19:00) (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:30 (U*) (POS-16) Constructing Rat-Head-Sized RF Coils for the Simultaneous 129Xe MRI and 15O2 PET Measurement - Elise Woodward   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:32 (POS-17) WITHDRAWN - A Novel Approach to Mechanized High-resolution Breast Three-Dimensional Ultrasound Imaging Technique for Point-of-Care Disease and Cancer Screening - David Tessier   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:34 (U*) (POS-15) Construction of optical tools for investigating active matter - Nishel Alexander (University of Prince Edward Island)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:36 (G*) (POS-14) SERS-enabled sensing of hemoglobin and its variants on ligand functionalized gold nano-film - Janani Balasubramanian   (Richard J. Currie Center)
DPP Poster Session & Student Poster Competition (3) | Session d'affiches DPP et concours d'affiches étudiantes (3) (until 19:00) (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:32 (POS-13) COMPACT: a new complex plasma facility for the International Space Station - Prof. Uwe Konopka (Auburn University)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:34 (G*) (POS-11) Ion temperature measurement in the plasma edge of the STOR-M tokamak - Jérémy Talbot-Pâquet (Queen's University)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:36 (G*) (POS-12) MPCVD Diamond Films with varying Nitrogen Doping Times : Effect on NV Center Synthesis - William Davis (University of Saskatchewan)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
DTP Poster Session & Student Poster Competition (4) | Session d'affiches DPT et concours d'affiches étudiantes (4) (until 19:00) (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:30 (POS-8) Modeling Late-Time Tails for Scalar Perturbations of Quantum Corrected Black Holes - Scott Shaw (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:32 (POS-7) Nonlocal correlations in multiqubit entangled states - Sanchit Srivastava (Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:36 (U*) (POS-9) Tidal Circularization and Migration in "Tatooine"/Circumbinary Systems - Ms Kanah Smith (University of Toronto)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:38 (G*) (POS-10) Ising-like model on black hole space - Mustafa Saeed   (Richard J. Currie Center)
PPD Poster Session & Student Poster Competition (6) | Session d'affiches PPD et concours d'affiches étudiantes (6) (until 19:00) (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:30 (G*) (POS-2) A Xe-127 calibration source for liquid Xe experiments - Lisa Rudolph   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:32 (G*) (POS-3) Non-linear Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect - Thomas Forget (Université de Montréal)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:34 (POS-1) Bound Muon to free Electron decay - Muhammad Mubasher (University of Alberta)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:36 (POS-4) Dark Matter Annihilation in 21cm Signal at Cosmic Dawn - Liqiang Hou (Perimeter Institute)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:38 (POS-5) Quenching factor measurements for NEWS-G - Neha Panchal (Postdoctoral Fellow)   (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:40 (POS-6) NEWS-G: Spherical Proportional Counters for dark matter search at SNOLAB - Philippe Gros   (Richard J. Currie Center)
CJP Editorial Board Dinner | Souper du comité de rédaction de la RCP - Robert Mann (until 21:00) (Off campus venue)
Departmental Leaders Meeting / Réunion des directeurs(directrices) de département - Chitra Rangan (University of Windsor) (until 21:00) (Wu Centre)
Open Forum with Student Advisory Council followed by possible student networking event (until 22:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
(CAP) Special Session: Social Justice and STEM panel discussion | Session spéciale : Justice sociale et STEM : discussion d'experts (ACP) - Kevin Hewitt (Dalhousie University) (until 13:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
12:00 Social Justice and STEM panel discussion - Ninan Abraham (University of British Columbia) Kalaichelvi Saravanamuttu (McMaster University) Steve Dodge (Simon Fraser University) Kevin Hewitt (Dalhousie University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
12:00 --- Break for Lunch (12h00-13h00) | Pause pour dîner (12h00-13h00) ---
New Faculty Lunch Meeting with NSERC | Dîner rencontre des nouveaux professeurs avec le CRSNG - Chitra Rangan (University of Windsor) (until 13:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
W-PLEN3 Plenary Session | Session plénière - Robert Myers, Lifetime Achievement Medal Winner - Manu Paranjape (Université de Montréal) (until 13:30) (Richard J. Currie Center)
13:00 Scanning New Horizons: Information, Holography and Gravity - Robert Myers   (Richard J. Currie Center)
13:30 --- Travel time ---
(DAMOPC) W2-2 DAMPOC I | DPAMPC I (DPAMPC) - Jens Lassen (until 15:15) (UNB Tilley Hall)
13:45 High precision theory for the Rydberg states of helium up to n = 24 - Gordon Drake (University of Windsor)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:00 Momentum of Light in an Atom - Joshua Hainge   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:15 (G*) Ultrafast Coherence: A Combination of Quantum and Classical - Joscelyn van der Veen   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:30 (G*) Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in an Ensemble of Three-Level Lambda Systems - Sara Moezzi (University of Windsor)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:45 Theoretical hyperfine splittings of heliumlike Be-7,9 ions for future studies of nuclear properties - Zong-Chao Yan   (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:00 --- general discussion & networking ---
(DAPI) W2-6 Detector and Method Improvements for Sensitive Experiments | Amélioration des détecteurs et des méthodes pour des expériences sensibles (DPAE) - Steffon Luoma (until 15:15) (UNB Tilley Hall)
13:45 (I) Low Background Measurements and Techniques - Dr Ian Lawson   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:15 Measurements of Fluorescent Properties with an Optical Cryostat - Jonathan Hucker   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:30 (G*) The stability of HPK VUV4 SiPMs following a large dose of VUV radiation. - Lucas Darroch   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:45 (G*) Study of HV instabilities in Single-Phase LXe Detectors - Mohamed Elbeltagi   (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:00 (G*) Development of Segmented Ionization Chamber Technologies for High Precision Low-Rate Experiments - Heinz Asch (Simon Fraser University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DCMMP) W2-7 Condensed matter theory II | Théorie de la matière condensée II (DPMCM) - Rachel Wortis (until 15:15) (UNB Tilley Hall)
13:45 (I) Sparse-rank factorization methods in quantum physics - Thomas Baker (Department of Physics & Astronomy and also of Chemistry, University of Victoria)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:15 (G*) Many-Body Dispersion in Model Systems and the Sensitivity of Self-Consistent Screening - Mr Kyle Bryenton (Dalhousie University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:30 WITHDRAWN (U*) Sonic Event Horizon in a Bose-Einstein Condensate - David Tyler (McMaster University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
14:45 Quantum many-body scars: Connections to classical stability and instability - Dr Meenu Kumari (Perimeter Institute)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DPE/DGEP) W2-5 Engaging Diverse Audiences | Attirer des publics diversifiés (DEP/DEGP) - Ania Harlick (University of Toronto) (until 15:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
13:45 Investigating equity across grades and affective outcomes in physics courses at Canadian post-secondary institutions - Jared Stang   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:00 The IDEAS Initiative - Melissa Baiocchi   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:15 (G*) A Canada-wide assessment of the gender gap in high school physics - Eamonn Corrigan   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:30 (I) From Welcome to Belonging: Building Physics Identities - Laura Stiles-Clarke (St. Francis Xavier University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
15:00 --- Round Table ---
(DPMB) W2-3 Medical Physics | Physique médicale (DPMB) -Dr Mamadou Diop (Western University & The Lawson Health Research Institute) (until 15:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
13:45 (I) Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for the Identification of Pathogens in Blood and Urine - Prof. Steven Rehse (University of Windsor)   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:15 (G*) Segmentation Interface in Dynamic Nuclear Medicine: Techniques for the Reliable Use of Medical Physics Images (Tru-M.P.I.) - Philippe Laporte   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:30 (G*) Optical stability investigation of a calibrant IR dye for radiochromic dosimetry - Rohith Kaiyum   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:45 Sensing simple molecules to complex by their unique fingerprint with pulsed laser ablated nanostructured substrates - Nisha Agarwal   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DTP/DNP/PPD) W2-4 Advances in Nuclear and Particle Theory | Progrès dans la théorie nucléaire et la théorie des particules (DPT/DPN/PPD) - Nicole Vassh Nicole Vassh (TRIUMF) (until 15:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
13:45 (I) Understanding the Quark Gluon Plasma using High-Performance Computing and Bayesian Analyses - Prof. Gojko Vujanovic (University of Regina)   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:15 Gravitational Effect on Quark Gluon Plasma - Dr Arundhati Dasgupta (University of Lethbridge)   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:30 (G*) Unified Interacting Quark Stars in 4D Gauss-Bonnet Gravity - Michael Gammon (University of Waterloo)   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:45 Mutual information harvested by uniformly accelerated particle detectors - Manar Naeem   (UNB Kinesiology)
15:00 (G*) A Complex Window-Based Joint-Chirp-Rate-Time-Frequency Transform for BBH Merger Gravitational Wave Signal Detection - Xiyuan Li (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Western Ontario)   (UNB Kinesiology)
(PPD) W2-1 DM / Neutrino 3 | DM / Neutrino 3 (PPD) - Savino Longo (University of Manitoba) (until 15:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
13:45 (I) The physics potential of next-generation long-baseline neutrino experiments - Dr Xiaoyue Li (TRIUMF)   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:15 (G*) Study of the P-ONE Site with 4-years of Data - Braeden Veenstra (University of Alberta)   (UNB Kinesiology)
14:45 Measurement of antineutrino elastic scattering on free protons in the MINERvA experiment - Noe Roy (York University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
15:00 Long-baseline neutrino oscillation analysis at the T2K experiment using a Bayesian framework - Dr Balint Radics   (UNB Kinesiology)
15:15 --- Health Break with Exhibitors | Pause santé avec exposants ---
(DAMOPC) W3-2 Laser development | Développement du laser (DPAMPC) - Jens Lassen (until 17:00) (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:45 Laser applications at TRIMF's isotope separator and accelerator - Jens Lassen   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:00 (G*) A PT-symmetric microchip laser using nanostructure grating mirrors for single mode emission - Mr Shawn Lapointe (University of Moncton)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:15 Towards robust neutral-atom BEC production with the help of machine learning - Arina Tashchilina   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:30 Low Cost Nonlinear Atomic System for Studying Correlated Beams - Andrew MacRae (University of Victoria)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:45 --- discussion session / networking ---
(DAPI/DPMB) W3-6 Developments in Instrumentation in Biology and Medicine | Développements dans le domaine de l'instrumentation en biologie et en médecine (DPAE / DPMB) - Steffon Luoma (until 17:00) (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:45 (I) Targeted multi-photon capillary photo thrombosis as a model of stalling - Frederic Lesage (École Polytechnique Montréal)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:15 (G*) Probing for blood vessel preservation in Tyrannosaurus rex using synchrotron radiation - Jerit Mitchell   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:30 (G*) Characterizing Shear Wave Propagation Using a Portable Magnetic Resonance Sensor: A Phase Interference-Based Approach - Will Selby (University of New Brunswick)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:45 (G*) Study of Annular Parallel Plate Waveguides for a Dielectric Wall Accelerator - Morgan Maher (Medical Physics Unit, McGill University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DCMMP) W3-3 Light and Matter | Lumière et matière (DPMCM) - Saurabh Maiti (Concordia University) (until 17:00) (UNB Tilley Hall)
15:45 (I) Resonant inelastic light scattering from materials with spin-orbit coupling - Saurabh Maiti   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:15 Photon recycling in a solar cell with Lambertian surfaces - Mykhaylo Evstigneev   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:30 Light emission from SiGe nanocrystals in SiO2 produced by ion implantation - Lyudmila Goncharova (Western University)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
16:45 Photovoltaic properties of SiGeSn alloys fabricated by ion implantation - Dr Nisha Sharma (Mitacs Postdoctoral fellow)   (UNB Tilley Hall)
(DGEP/DPE) W3-7 Networking Reception | Réception de réseautage (DGEP/DEP) - Svetlana Barkanova (Grenfell Campus of Memorial University) Daria Ahrensmeier John Donohue Patricia Mitchler (Canadian Association of Physicists) (until 17:00) (UNB Grad House)
16:15 --- DGEP Networking Session ---
(DNP) W3-4 Nuclei and Neutrinos I | Nucléus et neutrinos I (DNP) - John Behr (TRIUMF) (until 17:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
15:45 (I) Search for Majorana Neutrinos in the LEGEND Experiment - Chris Jillings   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:15 (U*) Waveform fitting algorithm for LoLX pulse data - Laura Gonzalez Escudero   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:30 (G*) A Displacement Device for Ion Extraction from Liquid Xenon - Ryan Elmansali   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:45 (U*) Nuclear β decay at the proton drip line - Dhruval Shah   (UNB Kinesiology)
(DTP/PPD) W3-5 New Physics and the Dark Sector | La nouvelle physique et le secteur sombre (DPT/PPD) - Nassim Bozorgnia (York University, University of Alberta) Nassim Bozorgnia (until 17:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
15:45 (I) Light sub-GeV dark matter at accelerators - Adam Ritz   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:15 The scalar field of screening models and neutrinos' helicity flip - Dr Fayçal Hammad   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:30 Calculation of Muon Self Energy using MARTY. - Maryam Bibi (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (UNB Kinesiology)
(PPD) W3-1 DM / Neutrino 4 | DM / Neutrino 4 (PPD) - Xiaoyue Li (TRIUMF) (until 17:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
15:45 (G*) Antineutrino Charged Current Cross Sections at MINERvA - Maria Mehmood (speaker)   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:00 WITHDRWAN Raman Scattering - Fatemeh Maroufkhani (PhD Student)   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:15 (G*) Search for solar neutrino absorption with 40Ar in DEAP-3600 - Emma Ellingwood   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:30 Status of NEWS-G3 Experiment and Muon Veto System - Georgios Savvidis   (UNB Kinesiology)
16:45 (U*) PICO-500 Overview and Calibration - Michaela Robert (Queen's University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
Division Judges Meeting - Oral and Poster Competition | Rencontre des juges des divisions - compétition orale et compétition affiche - Martin Williams (University of Guelph) (until 18:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
17:00 --- Travel time ---
W-NSERC NSERC Community Update - Sjoerd Roorda (until 18:00) (Richard J. Currie Center)
17:15 NSERC Community Update   (Richard J. Currie Center)
CAP-level BSOC and BSPC Judges Meeting | Réunion des juges (niveau ACP) pour MCOE et MCAE - Martin Williams (University of Guelph) (until 19:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
W-PLEN3 Plenary Session | Session plénière - Paul Garrett, Vogt Medal Winner - Alexander Gottberg (UVic and TRIUMF) (until 18:30) (Richard J. Currie Center)
18:00 From vibrations to multiple shapes: rewriting low energy nuclear structure - Paul Edward Garrett (University of Guelph (CA))   (Richard J. Currie Center)
18:30 --- Break Before Banquet | Pause avant le banquet ---
19:00 --- Travel time ---
CAP Banquet + Fellows Recognition Dinner - Limited seating. Tickets will not be sold at the door | Banquet et reconnaissance des Fellows de l'ACP - Sièges limités; aucun billet vendu à l'entrée - Barbara Frisken (until 22:30) ()
(R-SCIPOL) Science Policy Session | Session de politique scientifique - Barbara Frisken (until 13:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
12:00 Science Policy Discussion   (UNB Kinesiology)
12:00 --- Break for Lunch (12h00-13h00) | Pause pour dîner (12h00-13h00) ---
CINP Annual General Meeting (with lunch) | Assemblée générale annuelle de l'ICPN (dîner inclus) - Garth Huber (until 13:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
R-PLEN1 Medalist Talk Plenary Session | Session plénière - Michel L. Trudeau, Industrial Medal Winner - Steffon Luoma (until 13:30) (UNB Kinesiology)
R-STUD-COMP CAP Best Student Oral Presentations Final Competition | Compétition finale de l'ACP pour les meilleures communications orales d'étudiantes - Martin Williams (University of Guelph) (until 15:30) (UNB Kinesiology)
13:30 --- Competitor 1 ---
13:45 --- Competitor 2 ---
14:00 --- Competitor 3 ---
14:15 --- Competitor 4 ---
14:30 --- Competitor 5 ---
14:45 --- Competitor 6 ---
15:00 --- Competitor 7 ---
15:15 --- Competitor 8 ---
15:30 --- Health Break | Pause Santé ---
Judges Meeting and Announcement Preparation l Rencontre des juges et préparation d'annonce - Martin Williams (University of Guelph) (until 17:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
R-PLEN3 Plenary Session | Session plénière - Jess McIver - Maximilian J Swiatlowski (TRIUMF (CA)) (until 16:45) (UNB Kinesiology)
16:00 New discoveries with gravitational waves - Jess McIver   (UNB Kinesiology)
R-CAP Guest speaker - Grant Williams | Conférencier invité - Grant Williams - Bruce Balcom (University of New Brunswick) (until 17:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
16:45 What Physics Can Teach Us About Life, Love, and Ourselves - Grant Williams (St. Thomas University)   (UNB Kinesiology)
Student Awards Ceremony | Cérémonie de reconnaissance d'étudiant(e)s - Martin Williams (University of Guelph) Barbara Frisken (until 18:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
Close of Congress | Clôture du congrès - Barbara Frisken (until 18:15) (UNB Kinesiology)
IPP Scientific Council Meeting | Réunion du comité scientifique de l'IPP - Michael Roney (until 14:00) (UNB Kinesiology)
IPP Inst. Members and Board of Trustees Meetings | Réunions des membres inst. et du conseil de l'IPP - Michael Roney Adam Ritz (until 17:00) (UNB Kinesiology)