Rucio Meeting
Thursday 29 Sept 2022, 15:00
Martin Barisits
Rucio Development Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Martin Barisits
Alternative hosts
Mario Lassnig, Cedric Serfon, Dimitrios Christidis
Useful links
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Rucio workshop
October meeting schedule
Oct 6
Oct 13
Oct 20
Oct 27
Community News & DevOps roundtable
Commercial cloud "exceptions" in core list replicas so that they work with xcaches
Needs to be made configurable
Update interaction between preparer and submitter in 1.29.5
Works well in production for ATLAS
If preparer is used it will calculate the selection of the source in preparer, instead of submitter
More intelligent selection in preparer, which is important for transfertool (FTS, Globus) selection
ActiveMQ: Very high number of connections to brokers
Yuyi or Eric will have a closer look
Issue is not visible in ATLAS - might be related to not using SSL
Possible on client side:
Connection being closed but not re-used?
Connection limits on kubernetes node side?
Testing policy packages for DUNE
Trying to setup prometheus monitoring (Difficult on open shift)
RUBIN: Working on kubernetes deployment
Request: Adding non-RSE distances to Rucio
Adding S3 RSE to cluster
Trying to get Auth server to work in k8s
Hot topics
Developers roundtable
Rucio 1.30 "The Donkeynator" progress tracking
In Progress
Introduce heartbeat handler to all daemons
Missing daemons: replicarecoverer
Create a contributor guide for probes
Adherence to rule grouping dependent on order of ATTACH
Exchange `Tombstone` function-based indices with normal indices
[Mario, Martin, Radu]
Create a server/daemon installation howto
[Joel, Mayank]
To check with Joel
Add python 3.10 tests to CI framework.
Splitting DockerFiles into multiple stages with python venv with supported versions of python
Should be there next week
Unable to Delete File DID via Undertaker
More complicated than initially thought; still under investigation
Rules on containers in state OK but not all the files from the containers have locks
Release webUI 2.0 beta version [Mayank]
Auth mostly complete
New WebUI is pure Browser application
Oauth2 with client auth workflow cannot be used for pure browser applications, as it would expose the client secret
PKCE auth workflow will solve this
IdP needs to support this
Need to confirm if this is possible IAM, and others
GSOC student will work on high priority pages in the last 4 weeks
rework conveyor-throttler
Switch to pytest [Radu?]
In Review
UI Methods to declare replicas missing
Further ingetragtion of CMS-style consistency checking
Remove old readthedocs documentation once the new one is fully operational
[Joel, Martin]
Create developers testing guide in the documentation
[Joel, Mayank]
foreign key error on deleting dids in reaper
Re-work/cleanup distance table
Merge list_dids and list_dids_extended methods
Refactor the different test workflows to a common one [Ben, Mayank]
Add symlinks for the new daemon names
Prepare a clear list of changes which need to be made to use new daemon names
Document and cleanup discrepancies between surl and lfn2pfn algorithms
Reduce rule tickets to les than 20 [Martin]
Reduce logging of server & daemons
rework prometheus/statsd metric names
Create documentation page for S3-type storage
Exists as GGDoc (
Add support for S3 virtual hosted buckets
Test on-premise
Ongoing support issue with AWS/Fresno X.509 shenanigans
Other topics