August 28, 2023 to September 1, 2023
University of Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone

Searching for Beyond-Standard-Model Physics with LEGEND-1000

Aug 28, 2023, 6:30 PM
2h 30m
University of Vienna

University of Vienna

Universitätsring 1 A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Poster Neutrino physics and astrophysics Poster session


Samuel Watkins (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)


LEGEND-1000 is a next-generation experiment to search for neutrinoless double-beta decay of the Ge-76 isotope. This ton-scale experiment uses enriched high-purity Ge detectors surrounded by a large active liquid Ar shield, deployed deep underground. Because of the low noise and low energy thresholds of these detectors, along with the low background design of LEGEND-1000, this experiment provides an excellent opportunity for searches for new physics beyond neutrinoless double-beta decay. These include searches for dark matter candidates, exotic nuclear decays, tests of fundamental symmetries, emissions of additional particles during two-neutrino double-beta decays, and more. This poster will focus on the strategies and expected sensitivities of the experiment for these searches for physics beyond the standard model.

This work is supported by the U.S. DOE and the NSF, the LANL, ORNL and LBNL LDRD programs; the European ERC and Horizon programs; the German DFG, BMBF, and MPG; the Italian INFN; the Polish NCN and MNiSW; the Czech MEYS; the Slovak SRDA; the Swiss SNF; the UK STFC; the Russian RFBR; the Canadian NSERC and CFI; the LNGS, SNOLAB, and SURF facilities.

Submitted on behalf of a Collaboration? Yes

Primary author

Samuel Watkins (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)

Presentation materials